Good room for drums.


New member
Hey everyone...I'm not sure if this should be here or the studio building section. I'm having trouble getting a really nice tight snare sound and I'm wodering if it's the room. I've got a good grasp on choosing pres, mics, position...but the snare just sounds too laid back. The room has no paralell walls, and is foamed on about 80% of the room. I left one wall blank because I assumed a completely dead room would sound too aritifical. SO, i'm wondering if foaming up this last wall would be a good or bad idea. I do like really tight sounding drums in my recording, but I also don't want them to sound too dead. I don't have a lot of moeny to try and experiment with different things unfortunately.

For the recording I'm micing the snares with either a 57 or beta 57, mostly into an avalon m5. While I'm at it, I'd like to know if anyone's ever tried a Blue Dragonfly on snare. It seems like it would sound great on a nice controlled drummer (so it's doesn't get hit), but I'm scared the SPL's might be too great for it. thanks
Tight snare sound comes from a few different things:

1: Good Snare - Heads gotta be on good & tuned, snare band needs to be tuned right.
2: Good mic - you're 57 should be fine, just make sure your position is cool. always try to keep the mic facing towards the drummer (to keep down on other sounds). Maybe about a 25-30 degree grade.
3: Try putting another mic on the bottom of the snare, or even a nice small diaphragm condenser on the hi-hat will pick up enough to give a sweet sound.

The room really isn't causing your snare sound problem. The sounds you're getting from the mic should be only from the snare. That 57 won't be picking up much "room" in it.

What type of music/style are you playing?
We're playing the heavier kinda of "screamo" would be the easiest way to describe it. It's been on several snares, but I'm mostly concerned about my own. It's a DW Bronze snare, 14". The snare is tuned to where I like it, and is loud as hell. I use Attack Terry Bozzio heads, tuned up high, but there's a lot of body in the snare. Not nearly as much crack as you'd get from a remo head of any kind. I also didn't mention that I do use a bottom mic on the snare...usually another 57/beta57. thanks for the replies.
Those Attack heads are the worst! When you say 'tight' what are you describing? Do you mean a snare sound with no ring? (dry) Are the snares rattling too much?
With 80% covering of foam on the walls, I'd say that's sucking all the top end out of the snare, esp if the floor is carpeted also.

I'm not a big fan of the close mic'd snare. I like the room sound you get from the overheads
I tend to agree that a room that is 80% treated (and assuming the floor is carpeted) would likely suck much high end.

While close mic'ing is needed for individual drum control/islotion - room mics are what give drums depth and personality. It sound like the room may be hurting the sound to some degree.

I am not a fan of Attack heads - but if you feel the heads are proper and the tuning is right for the drum/material - and if you can't do anything to change the room treatment a couple of options would be

1) Put a secon mic on the snare to dial in some of the snare sound

2) Set the drums on plywood to offset the "muffling effect" of the room treatment.