Good price for a meek VC6?


New member
Not the VC6Q, the VC6......... I can get for 200. That doesn't sound too bad to me but I'm really not sure. There's a VC6qcs for 240 with time some time left and I've seen them go for around 300ish. Just curious what you guys think, Thanks

I used a VC6Q for some overdubbing on a PT project a while back; it was fantastic. Very FAT sounding; real nice character. I liked it and when it came time to purchase some stuff of my own, I got a VC1 (not Q) and I loved THAT even more. (Divorce required me to liquidate).

My understanding is that the two are essentially the same, you just have some extras with the '1'-a VU meter, more EQ, etc. While I worked with them at different times, I'd have to say that both sounded pretty much the same. I didn't notice an issue with the non-current sense thing in the non 'Q' model, but I was using pretty decent mics (Neumann tlm 103, Shure KSM 32).

It's not a sound you'd want for EVERYTHING, as it's pretty thick, but it's certainly a cool flavor piece. Very 'vintage-y' vibe-wise. Very UN-clinical. I liked it on certain vocals, it's magic on crunchy guitars and as a bass DI (the comp is very cool for this). Finger picked acoustic was nice. Might be a cool snare drum or kick drum pre/comp as well. ( I didn't use it for that, my drums were recorded at a studio and dumped into a DAW).

I'd say if the extra $50 is not a big deal, get the 'Q' just to be safe, as it supposedly matches to the impedance of the mic you plug into it. If you've got a pretty good mic locker, it may never make a difference to you. Either way, I think you'll be happy with it as long as you don't over-use it.

I'll be getting another myself when I can afford it.
