good idea


New member
Im thinking about building a studio for my enjoyment and to make a little money from small like high school bands that want to record there first demo or something. Anyway I dont know how much I should spend, I definetly dont want to spend over like $6500. I dont know if this is to much for like a first timer and Im jumping in to quickly but I have been reading up alot on how the recording process goes, all the tips on this board and stuff. Fixing up my basement and stuff wouldent really be included in the 6500 thats all for equitment, but how much would it cost to fix it up a little bit like put up walls and make it some what sound proof. I already have a nice pc with 128MB ram and I know my way around N-Track
Well like - I like understand why like people (like mostly teens) use like verbal filler such as like "like"... but like, what I don't like understand is like why such filler is like needed when like typing...

like, it's soooo like, Zappa's daughter ya kno'... but you like come from Encino, so it's ok...


Hey, come on. Its like an honest question...

Unfortunately the answer is: Spend whatever you want. Its for your enjoyment, right?

If you want to start a commercial studio, the short answer is: Don't.
I would suggest you start small. Get the equip little by little. If you go out and spend 6500$ you will be overwhelmed and it will take you years(litterally) to learn how to get the best results from your DAW.

If you start small, and work your way up you will be able to master each component as you go. There is no quick fix, and going out and spending all that money without the know how will get you no further than you are now. I started out with a Korgx5D keyboard and elogic sequencing software, and this is all I used for my 1st year.

I think you will be able to answer all your questions yourself by taking your time and researching equip. Theres no good answer someone else can give you that would be better than you figuring these things out for yourself. Good luck.