Good Deal?


New member
Hello Folks
I was just looking for some opinions here if ya'll got a moment.
would (2) okatava 319's be a sweet deal for $300, and what do you think about the mic in general. thanks in advance

Why do you need two of the same mic? I don't think the 319 is highly regarded. For $300-$350 I'd be looking at an AT 4033, Rode NT 1000, Marshal V77, or SP C-3.
point taken

yeah I started to look around somemore, and was leaning towards the Studio Projects, but i've always heard good things about the 4033 too. what would you choose out of the 4 you mentioned. It will primarily for vocals and acoustic guitar.

thanks for the reply
I think you'll get a lot of opinions on this, and Track Rat's opinion is one I definitely respect. I have never heard the 319. I just haven't heard a lot of positive things about it.

I have heard the AT and the SP mics in person and recordings. Many, many people here (and a lot of pros, Ed and Sjoko, e.g.) like the 4033. The SP C1 and C3 already have a strong following (and the C3 is multi-pattern). I really like them. The Marshall V77 I haven't heard. It is a tube mic, and I own a tube mic so I know how good they can sound, especially on vox. Also, the V77 was highly recommended by Harvey Gerst when he tested the Marshall line of mics--and that's good enough for me.

You should listen too as many of these mics as you can and let your own taste be the judge. There has been a lot of stuff posted in the MP3 forum.

The two I'm most interested in are the C3 and the V77. And I'm still not sure why you would want two of the same LDs.
2 of the same

yes, folks always seem to be encouraging you to buy a PAIR of anything that's good, whether it's mics or pre's or whatever; i understand that for micing something in stereo, like for drum overheads or ambient mics on a string section or something it's nice, but it gets demanding on the old wallet!

not to mention frustrating that when you find something good, and maybe even relatively cheap, then you realize "well at this price, i should buy TWO!" and then it's not so cheap anymore!

but i think the stereo applications i mention above, and many more probably, are the reasons to get two.

thanks guys

thanks again for the input. the reason for two would be for OH's. right now I have a pair of C1000's and I'd like to try something different. The C1000's are super bright and sometimes sound Washy on the cymbals. The deal w/ the 319's are $199 a piece or two for $150 a piece. I am open to anything better. It was just that whole Building-up-the-arsenal-of-gear mentallity that got the best of me. But if feel the air is clearer now and i'm open-minded.

For overheads, you might try 2 MXL 603s at $79 each or two Behringer ECM8000 at $40 each. Use the search function and you'll find several posts from people who have used these.

Here's a thread Harvey Gerst started on the Behringer ECM 8000:

And here's a post at from Harvey Gerst

If I had to start from scratch, I'd probably go with these first:

A Marshall MXL V67G Condensor for vocals and as a room mic.
2 Marshall MXL 603S Condensors for overheads, guitars, and perc.
2 Audix TR-40 Omni Condensors for overheads, guitars, and perc.
About 4 or 5 Shure SM-57 Dynamics for snare, toms, guitars, etc.
3 or 4 Sennheiser MD 504-D or 604 Drum Mount Cardioids for toms
An AudioTechnica ATM-25 for kick
A Beyer M-201 for snare and various things
A Shure SM-7 Dynamic for an alternate main vocal mic
A Sennheiser MD 421 for floor tom and other stuff (including vocals)

Those mics would cover about 99% of anything that I normally record, and
I could get by pretty easily with just the above mics for a long time.

Then, when I had some more money, I'd add a Neumann TLM-103, some ribbon
mics, and a few more other flavors.

Harvey Gerst
Indian Trail Recording Studio

WOW!! So I went to that link, read about 15 pages, went to 8th Street and bought two ECM's thanks again guys. (If anybody hadn't guessed yet, Harvey's the Man.)
