Good Cable!


New member
This is in responce to a dude that thought the time aligned cable was a gimick or something. Its very much real and it's some really nice stuff to work with those nice mics you all have : )

check it out!


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i have no idea what that means. Since you say it isn't marketing hype, can you explain exactly what "time aligned phase coherent" means. And how some cable is and some cable isn't? If you could lay a little of the physics on us, it would be appreciated.

for instance, if you buy mogami or canare bulk reels (like probably 90% of the top studios in the world) and make your own cables, are you making time-misaligned or phase non-coherent ones?

I think I need a little more than a picture of Monster's marketing slogans to convince me.

i have no problem with paying more for quality of shielding, robustness, or oxidation resistent wire - but please help me understand all this other mystical stuff.
well.........the theory basics of it i can understand, but getting down to how its done and what the total effect in spec writing is a bit over my head right not an electrician, I will try to get this information from some of the big egg heads i know to break it all down. I was just wanting to show this to a guy (forgot his name) that wanted to know what it was. It has to do with the frequencies being sent through it ariving all at the same time (from the source, to the mic pre or whatever). I guess if you really want that perfect (no phased) signal then this would be an answer........ill get more info on this soon : )
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I hope this helped me

An analog audio signal passing through a copper cable succumbs to this law of physics in which bass frequencies tend to gravitate towards the center of the cable; higher frequencies are forced to the outer portion of the cable. The higher mass bass frequencies create a magnetic field in the center of the cable while traveling through the conductor, which impedes those lower frequencies. This impedance forces those lower frequencies to arrive at their destiny (the speaker or amp) delayed, which causes a mild distortion in the waveform. Time aligned cable utilizes multiple gauge windings to help compensate for this distortion. Large, solid-core copper strands in the center for bass frequencies (containing higher mass) and smaller gauges wrapped around the solid core conductor to delay the mid’s and high’s ensuring that the entire bandwidth of frequencies arrive in uniform.

ill just say WOW
I was the one that asked "...and what the fuck is time-aligned cable?" in some other post......

What a fuckin' bunch of bloody bollocks...... :rolleyes:
Has anyone tested the new Behringer Thruth monitors yet ? They have a new sort of remote control that the listener has to wear around his neck, so the speakers know where to direct the sound to. You're always in the sweet spot, even when going to the bathroom :D

(if you wait a few minutes, I guess I can come up with at least a dozen other 'great' features gear HAS to have)

Do a blind A/B test with identical sources and compare expensive monster cable to inexpensive but good quality normal cable. Chances are you won't be able to tell the difference, you will be left guessing. It’s all hype.

But if you have a dual channel o-scope (I got one here at work in the Tech lab...) you can inject a LF (say 100hz) and HF signal (say 3000 hz) across the cable and set the O-scope to display the waveforms of both ends on its screen. I would be REALLY surprised if there would be any significant phase difference between the signals at the 2 ends.

Voltage travels through a 50 foot cable in nearly 0.00000005 seconds (depending on the insulation).
Even if the HF is traveling 10 times slower than the LF (which I bet it is not), would we even hear a difference? We are talking about HF arriving 0.00000050 seconds after the LF. There are other factors that weigh in much more than this ever would, like tweeters being closer to the listener than woofers in typical listening arrangements. (Edit: I should have said tweeters being further away!)
I am guessing you wouldn't notice any phase effects till you started to measure your cables length by the mile…

Of course I am just speculating here. An A/B test or an O-Scope test would prove that all monster has going for it is marketing hype.
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Admittedly not being a physics degree holder, I've still got to admit that my tendency is to agree with Gunther and Blue Bear. It really sounds like a load of crap, and even if there was a kernel of truth to it, it would be so negligeable as to make spending 5x per foot of cable extremely cost inefficient, especially compared to throwing that extra money at other acoustic problems.

Next time someone has a chance to talk to Bob Ludwig (or someone else at that level) who basically spends all his time (when not actually mastering) critically A-B'ing every conceivable aspect of the listening chain... it would be great to ask him what he thought of this whole issue. I'd be far more likely to take his word on the issue than a 20 year old GC salesman with no technical background (no insult intended).

I usually bump into him once a year, but it's usually in November, unfortunately.
I hear from lots of people that they can "hear" a difference using these Monster cables. I haven't done the blind test for myself yet, but im thinking on just getting one of these cables just for the H of it. Actually when i do get it ill try to post an A/B between that cable using a sm57 on my guitar cab to a decent cable or something.

eh.........ill see what i can do............does anyone else use this stuff yet for anything and noticed any worth while improvments?
littledog said:
Admittedly not being a physics degree holder, I've still got to admit that my tendency is to agree with Gunther and Blue Bear. It really sounds like a load of crap, and even if there was a kernel of truth to it, it would be so negligeable as to make spending 5x per foot of cable extremely cost inefficient, especially compared to throwing that extra money at other acoustic problems.

Next time someone has a chance to talk to Bob Ludwig (or someone else at that level) who basically spends all his time (when not actually mastering) critically A-B'ing every conceivable aspect of the listening chain... it would be great to ask him what he thought of this whole issue. I'd be far more likely to take his word on the issue than a 20 year old GC salesman with no technical background (no insult intended).

I usually bump into him once a year, but it's usually in November, unfortunately.

none taken..........all i was doing was presenting it. Im not trying to sell it or something.......gezzzzzzzzz people are so closed minded in here lately, loosen up......take it easy
zallen25 said:
gezzzzzzzzz people are so closed minded in here lately, loosen up......take it easy

sure, but help us out here. which part of Gunther's or my statements should be presented more loosely? always glad to learn from a master of diplomacy...
think of me this way ..........yes i work at GC, but being a salesman is what I "have" to do cause its my job and I don't make a living off it like a car sales man does, its just a job and a great one at that due to all the exposure i get. I have learned so much in just 1 year than I would ever have alone. I learn from people such as yourselves (the ones that know what they're talking about), and to be judged as the kid that works for the "devil" is pretty shallow. Keep in mind to you old dudes should be helping out the new guys not criticizing them, because one day they will be sitting in your seats! hehehehe hoh hoe hoe hoe

should i just change my name to GC satan or what? lol
In order to properly use Time Aligned cable it is recomended that you wipe your cables with Dryer Sheets so that you discharge any static buildup and align the molecules properly. Always wipe in the direction that the current is flowing. When using insert send/receive cables it is suggested that you rub in the send direction slowly then quickly rub back in the receive direction.

I will be giving clinics on the proper use and maintenance of Time Aligned cables sponsored by Monster and BBE. It is a 3 day seminar and the entry fee is only $3800 including coffee and donuts.

We will also be showcasing innovative products like the Triphazor and the new Head Isolation Spinal Implants. That last one is especially exciting because by surgically implanting rubber grommets at the bass of the skull you can effectively isolate your head from 98.4% of all body induced vibrations.
original post by zallen:
"This is in responce to a dude that thought the time aligned cable was a gimick or something. Its very much real and it's some really nice stuff to work with those nice mics you all have : )

check it out!"

and later quotes:

"Im not trying to sell it or something...."

"I haven't done the blind test for myself yet, but im thinking on just getting one of these cables just for the H of it."

well, looking back, it seems you were convinced it's "very much" real, and that we should check it out. (last time i looked, monster wasn't giving away free samples, so i guess that means you were recommending that we buy one.)

oops, no you actually haven't had a chance to try one yet...

and, oops, you're not trying to get us to buy one after all.

Oh well, you may not be consistent, but at least you're good at spotting when we need to loosen up. everybody has their special gifts, i suppose... :p
I can't believe you guys aren't loosening up more and giving slack to our friend, Zalen25, who is merely trying to raise the general ignorance level around here a notch or two. :D

Geez, Lou Eazz.

Thanks so much for enlightening us on the merits of the time-aligned cable, Mr. Zallen. As we speak, I am in the process of having all my hosas modded for time-alignment.
The last two posts were pretty funny... I dont think Zallen got it though ;)


I hear from lots of people that they can "hear" a difference using these Monster cables.

People hear a lot of things after they spend big dollars on something.

The only real way to tell is to have the exact same setup, exact same source... everything the same except swap the cables. Must be a blind test... if they know which is the monster cable, they will probably choose it. Dont use a mic either, use a cd and play the exact same music for each listen.
ya ........thats true. I did get what they're saying, but im tired of having to explain myself.........anyways...........yes everything must be the same and only change out the cable, its just with my little set up here the easiest thing would to just use the mic........since its the mic cable im wanting to test, as long as nothing is moved (which would be a little hard without moving the mic during cable swap) I could just make a quick session and record 2 different with the monster stuff and one without. Right?

The 2 different performances will be like 100X more different than the 2 different cables. You will hear a difference and think its the cables, but it will more than likley be the performance.

Since you work at GC, use their shit. Find a CD player with XLR outs and run it into the best mixer / monitor setup you have. Then have a buddy switch the cables without letting you know which one is playing.

What’s the point in working there if you cant f**k around?

Anyway, if you state something as a fact and I disagree with it I am going to ask a question... just my nature. IMO if someone listens to your post and buys a lot of useless cables because he believes you (but you are wrong), the credibility of the board goes to hell.

And I am not 100% convinced on the uselessness of the cables, I haven’t heard them myself so how can I be? I say I am only like 99.8% convinced.