Good Book


New member
Anyone checked out Craig Anderton's book "Sonar 3 - Mixing and Mastering"?

I'm about halfway through it and, so far, I'm liking it. It's got quite a bit of detail and I'm learning new tips and tricks to try out. I hope the mastering chapters are as informative as the mixing ones.

If you can afford the $50 bucks and you want to learn more than the manual can teach, I'd recommend it. I look at it this way. I figure $50 to learn how to use what I got is better than spending $500 on gear I don't know how to use.

Yeah, I know, it's kind of like my wife going to a sale to save money ...

No ... and no offense to the author, but I did read Cakewalk Power in 2000, which is why I didn't bother with Sonar Power. To me, CWP was a re-write of the PA9 manual, spiced up with a few tips.

Anderton's book is written to help you understand how Sonar 3's features can be best put to work to improve your recording techniques. As I said, I'm only halfway through it, but it's a good read if you are into Sonar 3.

I've got Sonar 2 Power which was great but now I am using version 3 I haven't opted for Power 3.

I have just ordered a booked called Sonar 3 Ignite. It was well reviewed in some magazines in the UK and at a cost of 12 pounds I though it was worth a read.