Good a place as any for a first post. :P

Hey all.
I've lurked around on here for a few days; did some thread searches etc. General reading and what not.

So, a friend and I have started talking about actually forming a musical project together. We had worked together in the past, and those efforts splintered for a number of different reasons, but never because of personality conflicts.

I have to admit that I am starting into the home recording efforts modestly. It's been a while since I have sang with any kind of audience, though I have to say what couple times there were, they were immensely fun.

The recording machines themselves are going to have to be my Mac, as it has Garage Band on it, or my buddy's computer and I think he is running Audacity. We both have a bit to learn about the respective programs, though I admit that I am more behind the learning curve than my friend is. :D

I only have two mics these days. An old Shure 588SB, which while clean, lacks punch sometimes. Of course that could have been entirely due to the environment it was being used in at the time as well. It does have a decent sound to it, in terms of live use, just not the strongest presence. Could have been in the mixing board though. I never really ran that side of things.

The other mic I still have on hand is an Electro Voice Co9. This mic I like a lot. Nice and warm sounding, good projection with it. I'm a baritone, and generally a little on the lower side at that... so I guess it isn't too surprising that I like this mic. It also feels about as rugged as anything I have laid hands on.

I have a Bellari Round Sound preamp... tube. Swapped the original tube out for a Tung Sol a long time ago, and generally like it. Use it for a bit of warmth, and for adding a little gain. I have had to pad it a couple times too though. I just ordered my first interface the other day. It's a two input one from ART. It cost $50 (supposedly on sale) and had decent reviews. Also, it seemed to be one of the more compact models... which counts for a lot around my place. Despite that though, it still feels like a crap shoot, as I have never bought one before. It seems the most efficient way of putting mics to computers. Did I at least make an ok choice?

So, some n00bish questions, if you all don't mind:
Could I use my tube preamp with the interface, and just not use any of the preamp features of the interface itself? Merely use it as a converter for the signal?

I know that you can pull off home recordings with a dynamic for vocals. While condensers are nice, they are not the end all, be all for home recording, and from all I have read, especially if you have a stronger voice.
Anyone use a Co9 lately? If not, anyone lay down tracks with say, an SM58? It's the closest thing I can compare the Co9 to. Similar well rounded sort of sound to my ear (based on memory, I sold off all my "excess" gear ages ago). Could you share your experiences?

I kept the 588SB out of sentimental value... probably my earliest high quality mic. Once I picked up an Electro Voice model, that was kinda it... I like them. That being said, i wouldn't mind experimenting with the Rode dynamics, or the newer Blue ones. Rode makes some excellent kit in my experience (I had an NTK... FAT sound from that thing...worked well for just about everything at the time... had more gear than needed given the capabilities at the time). I wouldn't even mind picking one up again for later recording work... but we are both on pretty restricted budgets... so we are trying to make the most of very little.

Ok, so that is my obligatory introduction thread, with some questions. :D
You seem to have quite a bit of know-how already so I'll just answer the interface question as best I can.

I don't know what interface you have on order (it helps to include the model, not just the manufacturer) but as far as I know, most interfaces have inputs that double as XLR and line inputs (I forget the technical term) and if so, they should have a mic/line switch to bypass the preamp in the device.
Ooops... yeah... here is the model I have on order.

I've been tinkering with stuff off and on for some time with friends (in musical terms), but it has been several years since we've done anything. College, real life, distance etc. has gotten in the way more than once. Though it was always fun, and personal enjoyment is the highest of motivators. :D

I know dynamics are supposed to be ok for recording punchier vocals in studio terms (never tried it, sounded fine with live taping). I kept my live mics for rehearsals, potential future use...though I didn't think I'd be doing any recording any time in the remote future... but here we are laying out plans... so it is what it is. Lol. I DO have a condenser that has been on more or less permanent loan to a friend for a few years. Maybe I can recall that loan? It's a Samson, I think a CO2. Not a bad piece for the price. I loaned it out, and just never bothered to state a time-line for return, as the friend I loaned it to is more active with his home stuff than I anticipated ever being. That being said, even an entry level condenser can turn out some favorable results. Both the preamp that I own, and the one on order have phantom power... soooooo? :laughings:

That being said, there are other budget condensers that might work their way into the mic rotation as things move along. There are so many it is hard to choose. It used to be pretty much MXL if you wanted a condenser on the cheap. Nady has apparently made some solid offerings in the budget range... but in reality, I would probably just spring for another Rode, or give Blue a try in the future.

I've got a lot of work to do though. My voice is a little rusty for starters, and I haven't been as kind to it lately as I have been in the past. I did some time in a couple choirs and stuff (concert and jazz), and even that was a lot of fun, but never as fun as either making your own music, or choosing which songs you're gonna play.

In retrospect, I don't think that Bellari preamp is made anymore, makes me a little sad, as it wasn't overly expensive, and seemed nice for the money at the time ($99). If anyone is familiar... that one is the blue chassis, with the tube poking out the top, surrounded by a 4 post cage.
Welcome to "Take me back 'ome recording dotcom" !

If push comes to shove, a dynamic mic like an SM58 can be used to record vocals. I use one often. It can be a little bassy but in these days of EQ and good placement and learning mic techniques, etc, there's no reason why you can't get a good vocal sound. I'd say, bear in mind that different mics give your voice a different lilt.
By the way, your opening post was a bulls eye ! Great shot !
"I'd say, bear in mind that different mics give your voice a different lilt."
-This is why I like the EV mics. Lol. The Beta 58 and SM58 definitely weren't bad though. For the money, an SM58 is still generally a hard one to beat. I used to have enough mics to more or less set up a 4 piece group. I wish I hadn't sold my kick mic though. It worked well for what it was, and worked decent for any low end. These days I'd have been tempted to toss it in front of a bass cab too. Used to be a real gear whore. Lol.