Glass Disguise - Rock tune


Lord Of The Thighs
Well I finally got around to recording this even though I wrote it over 10 years ago [ I'm a little slow ]. I resisted my natural instincts which is to use a million separate guitar and vocal tracks and a swamp load of effects. The tracks are mostly my first take scratch tracks but I'm far too lazy to re-record them so it is what it is. So this is your chance to rag on my lack of talent and hit me with your snarky comments.
I like it. Good vocals. For me the verses are working better than the bridge/chorus where the more syncopated beats don't gell quite as as well. Also I'd put a lot more compression on the backing vocals just to tame the dynamics a bit and maybe add some grit. Great little lead break around 4.00. Good tune
I like the tune, it cooks! I would maybe bring the guitars up a tad but the rest sounds pretty good as is...:cool:
I like it. Good vocals. For me the verses are working better than the bridge/chorus where the more syncopated beats don't gell quite as as well. Also I'd put a lot more compression on the backing vocals just to tame the dynamics a bit and maybe add some grit. Great little lead break around 4.00. Good tune

I used the compression very sparingly so it's possible that it wasn't enough. Thanks for the suggestions.

I like the tune, it cooks! I would maybe bring the guitars up a tad but the rest sounds pretty good as is...:cool:

Thanks I appreciate the listen.
Very cool tune.
When it started I thought it was a cover of Run to You, but when it took off that was gone....:D
The voice sits a little too much on top of everything and sometimes you've got a couple of timing issues which can be fixed. Which doesn't change the fact that it's a very good tune, it just needs to be tighter. I dig your guitar sound, nice and gritty. Good work!

Joey :)
Pretty cool.

I like the bass line a lot, but I think it might be a little loud in the verse. A bass line like that is a great supporting bit, but it's prominent enough that it's taking center stage.

I really dig the harmony right before the bridge.

I'm not a huge fan of the vocal tone. Bulls suggested adding more grit, which I think is the way to go, but I don't think it's really something you can do in the mix. You need to track a grittier vocalist.

Ok. I laughed when you cranked up the reverb on that last "far awaaaaaaaaay". It's kind of a goofy thing to do, but it works alright.

Guitar tone sounds cool, but it probably could stand to be louder sometimes.
Coming round for a second listen...the vocals are a bit loud compared to the rest. Maybe that's why the guitars seem to need to come up to match. I'd take the vocals down a notch then see how the guitars sound. :D
Okay--I'm a bit prejudiced. Towards your guitar playing that is. Very nice stuff--my favorite style. But I agree with the previous post: the guits need to come up some. The vocals sit right with the drums for this type of rocking tune, but the guitars seem to be struggling to be heard. Everything sounds level & compressed enough that the guitars could come up some without killing the rest.

Great work!
2nd mix is much better. It does sound like Run To You and a hint of early Van Halen. The mix sounds okay. The drums have good presence, especially the toms. I'd like to hear a beefier kick with more body and a tighter snare though. They're just kind of there. You captured them nicely, but they don't have much wow factor. Guitars sound good. Bass sits nicely. My main nit with the mix is the vocals. Too roomy and kind of cheap and flat sounding. Maybe get rid of the verb and try a quick delay on the vox. They just don't have that clean and clear presence that they should. The pre-chorus breakdowns are a mess. Bad timing. Overall it's not too bad though.