give my drummer life!


New member
i have a choice between

1)shure beta52
2)AT ATM25
3)Sennheiser e602

which of these should i choose for getting the best drum sound. A thick thump.

they can all be bought about the same price, and i have no idea about bass drum mics, i believe this is the place to find info.

thanks heaps
Hi there RankManUgly,

One thing I've realised is that in these forums you will never get a definative answer saying "buy microphone xyz!"...
You'll get bombarded with various advice and opinions (which is exactly what the purpose of the forum is I guess) but at the end of the day the decision's gotta be yours...
I was in the same situation as you and ended up changing my mind 100's of time and got soo confused... eventualy buying on gut feel...

So best of luck, hope the responses you get are clear and helpful (more helpful than this one anyway :) )

fwiw... of the 3 I'd probably go for the ATM25... ;)
haha. cheers scoop. yes i have trolled these boards for a while and noticed that very thing, no one gives abc advice, which of course is a good thing as beauty is in the ear of the listener.
but as i have no way of trying out these mics, im looking for people who can just say to me:
"ive used this mic, and it sounds great (or shit)"
im just trying to avoid spending decent amounts of money and not getting what i paid for.