"Ginny's Kiss" Have A Listen

:) Greetings Forum

It has been awhile since I've posted anything-business has been good and I really haven't had the time to do anything. I have one here that I really would like some critique on. So all you usual suspects chime in.

This song is a piece I wrote after meeting "Virginia". Wanted a light, fun, guitar driven, "country" type of thing here. I also chose to stay away from digital and did this using a 424 Tascam and some analog effects. I think it came out fair. It was kind of a pop/country thing-maybe like Rascal Flatts, Keith Urban, etc.

I'd love to hear some comments and suggestions on the mix and the instrument selection/recording. Everyone that has heard the song says it sounds like a pop or R&B song so it must be either my voice, the mix or a combination of both. I've got some background stuff to add to it but before I start adding, I wanted to share it to see if it is a good tune. So check it out-here's the link:

http://www.soundclick.com/musicallymrm (Once you get there, open my music link and then click on the song, "Ginny's Kiss" ;) )

Looking forward to hearing what you have to say and "Happy Memorial Day"
Hi there,

It's a nice tune!

I think you've got an excellent voice, wouldn't hurt if it was more central in the mix, as in, carrying the song more than it does now. Thing is, considering the arrangement and the riff, it's a good tempo, but you sing a lot of words, quite fast, and even though it's supposed to be upbeat and happy (?, it's got a kinda Springsteeny bittersweet vibe to it), the melody and the vocals would probably benefit from a slightly slower pace...

Arrangement is busy, and you say you've got more? ;) Just don't slam too much in there...in my opinion it's borderline already! Songs need to breathe a little also.

Very enjoyable piece, thanks for sharing! Looking forward to the final mix.
Hey. I thought the song was pretty cool. I wouldn't really call it country either, more pop. Dunno why, its just got that sound to it.

By the way I listened to Playin' Wit Myself (in the snow) and that was great. Reminds me of Ronny Jordan, you should check him out if you don't know him already. Really cool guitar licks too, and some tasteful piano. Overall I really enjoyed it.
Thanks to all my musical brethren in the UK. Glad you took a listen and I actually noted a couple of things that you pointed out too when I went back and listened. For the tempo, I think the lyric is wordy. I like the music pace which is really not that fast-just a lot of words. Just got to figure out a way to fix. Yes I can slow it down but believe it or not, I think that will drastically change the feel of the song.

Also, I'm thinking of putting this little "la-la-la-la-la" motif in the background. A good example is the backfround vocals in Mongomery-Gentry's "My Town" That (believe it or not) was the feel I was trying to get from this song.

Anybody else have any other suggestions? What about the recording process/sound quality of this mix? ;)
I have a Tascam 424 MKII and I don't think I've been able to get as much in a mix as you have here. How'd you do that? It has a pretty good sound considering this is tape - love that dbx....

The vocals are a bit cloudy - maybe it the effects you're using. Could use some more highs maybe.....

Good song, nice vocals, well played on all instruments too....
ido1957 said:
I have a Tascam 424 MKII and I don't think I've been able to get as much in a mix as you have here. How'd you do that? It has a pretty good sound considering this is tape - love that dbx....

The vocals are a bit cloudy - maybe it the effects you're using. Could use some more highs maybe.....

Good song, nice vocals, well played on all instruments too....

One trick I use to pack the tracks is anything that I can play using my synth workstation, I record that first. I sequence string parts, sometimes drums-realtime; no loops or patterns so it has a natural feel, piano parts, etc. I use a Roland XP-80 with some nice expansion boards installed then I record the sequenced tracks onto the 424. Add guitars, bass, other instruments etc. then.............

Record all that to CD then bounce the Cd Track back to the 424. This way I get serious bounce tracking without the degradation you would get bouncing from track to track on the 424. I put any effects I use throught the effects bus on the 424 and always put final reverb in the mix in line. Most of the time it gives a clean mix. this way. I have an AW16G that I use sometimes but it is not as organic sounding as the 424 and I just like that sound. I have ProTools on my Mac but it rarely ever gets used. By the time I get everything set up and ready to run, I've lost my muse. :) For personal recording, stand alones are the best way to go and Tape just "feels right".