Gigastudio Rig Decision


New member
My system is built on a Mac so I am contemplating purchase of a PC for Gigastudio so that I can run Garritan srings or Vienna Symphonic or what have you.

1. What PC would you reccomend?
2. what sound card?
3. Can I use laptop?
4. What laptop?
5. Are there any disadvantages to using a laptop?

I am sure you get the point of what I am trying to determine so if you have useful and helpful nformation, please share it.
For Giga....I high perfomance machine is recommended.
If your gonna go PC, then a P4 at 2.4MHz or better with a large 7200 RPM drive, maybe SATA.
Quality mobo, perhaps ASUS. And plenty of Ram....1gig or better.

Why not the new Mac G5 ?

Laptops are not preferred for Audio projects.

Soundcard, many options, depends on your needs (ins & outs, SPDIF, Optical )
The reason no Mac G5 is because of the paucity of great string and orchestra samples for Mac samplers. For instance, I have Kontakt on my Mac. I really would like the Garritan strings or Vienna orchestra on the theory that one might as well purchase the best possible sounding samplesor why work so hard to make the studio sound good and get good equipment. Sort of like crappy source material will still sound crappy in the world's best studio.

But those libraries are not compatible with Kontakt. Yeah, I know that Kontakt theorectically plays Giga Halion etc but I also have read that the compatability is less than ideal and that certain functions that are very important either do not work or do not work as they are supposed to.

So, with that, I have contacted (no pun intended) the makers of these libraries and asked why no Kontakt version. The answers are or were obvious. Kontakt, untill recently, did not have streaming and then for a while it had faulty streaming. Now the streaming works and at least Gary Garritan has threatened to make a Kontakt version. He intimates such a version and advises that I will be pleasantly surprised after this long arduous wait. But he said that a long time ago and still nothing.

So, I have just about given up on this and decided on Giga. I know that I could use Logic and the EXS24 sampler but that means using a different DAW than the one I am used to rather than Giga as a stand alone.

That is why not a new G5 and, besides, I will upgrade to a new G5 too but I have been told not to get a rev A version and to wait for rev B. Meanwhile, I have the money burning a hole in my pocket and should get the damn thing before I spend it elsewhere and end up sorry but that is another story.