Gigabyte K8NS Ultradisappointing


New member
So I order this mobo and and Athlon 4000+ because I am scared stiff after reading all the problems people are experiencing. I get it "professionally" built, bring it home, plug it in, and the little speaker inside litterally screams, with the odd intermittant silence!

I phone the builders and they say, "... oh yeah... we had some problems with some of the connections on that board so, yeah, we guess it's a "bad" board. We get those... maybe 1% of the time...!" 'Course I am thinking, "Why did you even let me step foot out of the store with it!!!" But, cool heads always win.

Don't get me wrong, nothing against Gigabyte... I understand things can screw up. And I will be patient as the builders gave me a model down from the Ultra to use while they send mine back for a replacement... which will take a week.

So then I try to get my new 828MKII to work. This interim mobo has NEC firewire so they put in a Via for the time being. I can't get THAT to work either. Probably an incompatibility thing...

So I think, rather than trying to get it to work and frustrating myself further, I will just peruse Sonar and educate myself until the new mobo arrives.

Thanks for letting me vent!!!