gibson sg-z


New member
So I can't find much on this thing besides it was discontinued in '98. Does anyone have experience with it, sound vs. other sg's? I've heard people love these things.
mixsit said:
Wow. Who'da thought? :cool:
(I just had a close incounter with an SG, man I forgot about that tone :) , was wondering if they tend to have tuning problems..

sg's do have tuning problems. I want an sg z. i would have to replace the pickups, but i like the look of the guitar.
blah, SG's dont have tuning problems. People have problems playing SG's.

Currently own 3 Gibson SG's. Owned 2 others, no tuning problems on any of them.

The only (and I do mean only) downside to this guitar is the balance, meaning, when I wear the guitar on a strap, it has a tendency to lean down in the direction of the neck. You have to hold it up with your fretting hand, otherwise it will lean incontrollably. The bright side to this is once you get used to playing the guitar, you no longer even notice the lean. The guitar has massive sound from the first humbucker and then on the second one is treat for lead and the first is great for blues. It a good guitar
I don't hold mine up with my fretting hand while playing, I usually rest my forearm where you normally rest your forearm, and just the lightest touch keeps it from nosediving.
ibanezrocks said:
I don't hold mine up with my fretting hand while playing, I usually rest my forearm where you normally rest your forearm, and just the lightest touch keeps it from nosediving.
Hey, maybe that's why Angus always played leaning over? :D

Kidding! Don't kill me man! :eek:

On a side note, I once tried to redo "Highway To Hell", and I noticed that his SG was a bit out of tune on the intro (pro'lly the whole song), and it took me forever to comp it....