Gibson classic

If it has the modern eight-digit numbering system, in use since 1977, then you can get the day of manufacture as follows:


AA = the year
BBB = day of the year
CCC = depending on whether it was made in Kalamazoo Michigan, or Nashville Tennessee (or Bozeman Montana, but I think they only make acoustics there), the number of the instrument made that day.

So for example:


Year is 99
Day of manufacture is 031 - January 31st
It was the 103rd guitar made in Nashville on that day (they start the numbers in Nashville at 501 - or maybe at 500, and it would be the 104th made that day?)
If this is too confusing, post the serial number here and I'll decipher it for you.

Hope this helps,

Can someone tell me what my friend's Strat might be? Here's the serial code: MN2 87827

It's a Mexi Strat. It's a bit older, I just dunno how old.
Re: I need some help here

josesequeira said:
My guitar was built in 1964???

I didn't read your first post. So it was a Les Paul, yeah? Then yes, 1964, not 1921(slaps forehead :p).

What is color and shape of label?