getting your own sound or not??


New member
o.k let me tell you my background, I am a 15 year guitar player with a pretty good ear for music ( although that has nothing to do with my dilemma) I have over the years struggled very hard for my own sound as an artist. I recently bought some cheap recording gear (tascam 4 track, yamaha mg10/2 mixer) and am in the process of making my first cd. But heres my problem, I think I sound to much like the very band that got me started in the first place(pinkfloyd)although I have in no way ripped them off, I have my own melodies and lyrics. Should I be embarresed? should I try to not sound like them? its not intentional. I can honestly say all my music is from my heart and that feels very good to me.I kind of feel weird about letting other people hear it because of its simularities. I guess my question to you guys is this, should I not care what people say about the likeness, and just keep on trucking,or is this a major problem in the music industry?please give me some input on this dilemma. I guess the sound would be some of the guitar work I do, and the long dont know where its going lyrics as well as the minor drone I incorporate in my music.
mndog75 said:
I think I sound to much like the very band that got me started in the first place(pinkfloyd)although I have in no way ripped them off, I have my own melodies and lyrics.

Is it your songwriting, arrangement, or recording process that "sounds too much" like Pink Floyd?
No reason to be ashamed about it.... we all emulate our musical heroes, and at 15 you've got a lot of time ahead of you to grow and develop. Sheeesh, at 15 you've barely even gotten started!
How you should proceed really depends on what your goals are.

This sounds corny, but for me music is all about joy. If you're enjoying what you're doing, who cares what anyone else thinks? If you have aspirations of generating an income, you have to think about what other people might be willing to pay for, but you can still find joy in it.

Don't worry about it.

In time you may grow tired of the style of songs you are currently writing, and when that happens you will be compelled to venture into new areas. Your sound will change when you step out and explore other avenues. It's all part of being a musician.

For now, enjoy the satisfaction you are getting with your music.

Go with what you know and what resonates within you! You will make it yours. The important thing is that you write, write, write. It all takes on a life and sound of its own.

I was a pro for 16 years and I can say the compliment I received that I appreciate the most is that I have my own sound and style. I'm not technically the most gifted musician, but to hear this meant a lot to me.

This will be you, also, after you give life to your own music.

Enjoy the ride!
Aaron Cheney said:
No reason to be ashamed about it.... we all emulate our musical heroes, and at 15 you've got a lot of time ahead of you to grow and develop. Sheeesh, at 15 you've barely even gotten started!
How you should proceed really depends on what your goals are.

This sounds corny, but for me music is all about joy. If you're enjoying what you're doing, who cares what anyone else thinks? If you have aspirations of generating an income, you have to think about what other people might be willing to pay for, but you can still find joy in it.


I think he meant he's been playing the guitar for 15 years, not that he was fifteen years old...
exactly, i am 28. I guess its my guitar style, as well as the arrangements. I was thinking about it today and I feel that its my own style that I have now, I think after years of trying to play like other people you finally try your hand at your own shit and all of what you did you somehow made your own style out of it. Thanks for all your replys,and keep on jammin.
Very simple, his music sounds like pink floyd because he's into pink floyd. Nuff said. If your lucky, as you get older your muscial tastes will incorporate other styles and it will all come together. When i was 15 i just used to churn out Oasis songs. Right now (age 21) Ive got lots of different approaches and (i like to think) i have my very own thing going.
I think what you are describing is perfectly normal and natural. Just look at you main influences and do some research on thier influences. I bet they have similer sounds and style too.
I also misread your post and thought you were 15 years old. My first inclination was to scold you for using the phrase "over the years." You earn the right to use that phrase quite a bit later in life.:p

I have been told I sound a little like Neil Diamond, Gordon Lightfoot, or Roy Orbison. They were all my favorites during their early careers so I am always flattered. But I don't really sound like them. My singing style evolved from singing their songs but I'm not nearly as talented and will never be.

You have your own style. Concentrate on that. Pink Floyd is an amazing collection of talent. Take the comparisons as compliments and don't think more about it.

Keep writing,
Well since everyone is being very supportive, I think I throw in the devil. :eek:

I'm about the same as you. Been playin for about 16 years and I'm 27 years old. I agree with having inspiration and idols. If you learn their songs to jam and practice too, you'll get more experienced and better at playing music. The downside is just that, you'll make songs that do sound like their's.

Now, while thats not ALL bad since it is your work and not theirs, because of the similaties, you will never win. I can't tell you how many times I play new songs for ppl and they always felt the need to compare it to other songs no matter HOW different it may sound to me. Like "Yea thats great, sounds just like _____!" and that gets under my skin every time!!:mad:

IMO People don't remeber songs that sound just like other songs. <usually> It sounds to me like you may have a comfort level in the "sound". Maybe some sort of unconcious "well thats how music is supposed to be made" type of thing going on. <just my thoughts>

Since you thought about it enough to bring it up here I would try this.

Pick out a song and get out of your comfort zone on that song. Could be as easy as taking a Ballad and speeding it up or vice versa. Make a small change but comit to it. See what happens
