Getting tracks on FD4 digitally


New member
I have been trying to get my tracks out the optical data port on my FD4. I have the optical hooked to converters that take it to digital then USB. But, I might not be setting the FD4 properly to output the tracks. Anyone have any ideas? My program recognizes the USB audio so, that doesn't appear to be the problem.
I haven't a digital recorder (DAT aor Computer) so I haven't tried this yet, but as I recollect from the FD-4 manual, you can transfer the data two tracks at a time to a digital format (DAT, hard drrive, CD-R, etc.). They cannot be played back from the system you downloaded because it will be stored in the Fostex format so it must be uploaded to the Fostex again. This data transfer is just to make space available on your recording media for teh FD-4. Check the manual, as I said i haven't attempted this. Now if your talking about send a digital adio out in stereo to another device for mastering purposes I can't see what the problem would be other than you might have to assign what type of signal (audio vs. data) is being sent to the optical digital outs. The manual isn't the easiest to read, but it does seem to pretty good about taking you step by step through the process.

Peace, Jim
Thanks Jim. I finally figured it out. I just had to go to the setup menu on the Fostex and tell it to send the signal out the optical port. It is actually easy but, you know how that goes when you don't know what to do..............