Getting stereo signal to play back from DAW in stereo


New member
I was attempting to record to both Mixcraft and Audacity last night (not at the same time!), a stereo signal coming from a Boss JS-8. The Boss JS-8 has loops that allow you to plug in your guitar and jam along so I wanted to record this and add additional parts in my DAW. When I monitored the signal, it was in stereo but when I played the recording back from either of the above DAWs, the signal would be in mono. Any ideas what I need to do to get the stereo signal recorded? I tried two tracks in the DAW for stereo but playback was still mono, even when I pan the tracks extreme L & R.
So you have two outputs coming from your device going into your DAW and you record, pan L and R and it still sounds mono?

Are you sure what you're recording is actually "stereo"? Two outputs just means two outputs if you have the same thing coming through them. That's not "stereo." What's making what's coming out of your machine stereo?

Just trying to understand your issue here....