getting sponsers


New member
is thier some kind of format to follow I mean does anybody have an out line Icould follow for getting sponsers for my tour thanks
Email 'em? Hah, in all honesty, I'm not sure how much luck you're gonna have if you're not already an established band with a rigorous tour schedule (i.e. 150-300 days/year). I could very well be wrong, but I'd think the only way it's worth it for a company to drop some cash on "sponsoring" a band would be if they thought putting their logo really huge on their trailer/van would bring them an equal or greater future-revenue due to brand recognition.

Try making some phone calls & shooting some emails and let us know how it goes! (Oh, and make sure to use spell-check and proof-read your emails a couple of times :p)
My last band got hooked up by a local shop. We were spending lots of money every week on gear/strings/picks/stands... you name it. Eventually we just told him "Hey, give us a banner and some t-shirts and we'll tell every kid we meet around here to go to your store."

He ended up getting enough business from us that he started giving us everything at cost plus little bit extra. He also gave us free strings and picks everytime we bought something expensive.

That's how it starts. Don't expect to get stuff for free right away, but if you make it seem like its a reciprocal relationship, they'll want to help you.
yeah what he said... you have to be providing something in return in order to get free shit... it's very possible to do, however... you have to be either what David said...or a hell of a good salesman (and then deliver in order to keep the sponsorship)

I've been in a bunch of bands who had sponsorships with music gear companies, clothing companies, etc... You just have to prove to them that it will be worth their while to be associated with your project, however possible. So really, it isn't so much "free" in the way that you are providing them payment in a different form, albeit not monetary.