Getting set up for PC recording


New member
Hi all...First of all I would like to say thanks to all the great, knowledgable people on here. I have been reading for days, gathering info for myself.

I just want some opinions to whether the following setup will be OK.
If anyone has any other suggestions, please help me out here. I am on a limited budget and just want some decent gear to start out with.

-Behringer UB1832FX 18-input Mixer-UB1832FX

-M-Audio Delta 1010-LT Soundcard (lets me record up to 8 different tracks at a time?)

Adobe Audition 1.5 software

Intel P4 2.4
1 GB DDR 3200
80/160 GB HD's

So....I plug the mics into the Behringer and then from the Behringer to the M-Audio soundcard...correct? Does Adobe Audition automatically detect the number of mics/inputs are connected to the soundcard?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks Alot!!!
Here's a link to a demo version of the software I use which is called Tracktion.

It's half the price of Adobe Audition and is much easier to learn. It also allows you to use VST effects and VST instruments and comes with a whole bunch of plugins, the Mackie compressors being among the best software compressors I've used. If you like it as much as I do, you can buy it here.

You'll need to use the direct outs on the Behringer if you want to record more than two tracks at a time.
ssscientist said:
Here's a link to a demo version of the software I use which is called Tracktion.

It's half the price of Adobe Audition and is much easier to learn. It also allows you to use VST effects and VST instruments and comes with a whole bunch of plugins, the Mackie compressors being among the best software compressors I've used. If you like it as much as I do, you can buy it here.

You'll need to use the direct outs on the Behringer if you want to record more than two tracks at a time.

So I would plug whatever inputs I wanted to record into the Behringer mixer and than direct out into the Delta 1010 card. How does the software know that I have, let's say 5 mics plugged into the mixer? Does it just automatically assign each input it's own track?