Getting Rid Of Reverb


New member
I am recording drum sounds from an Alesis SR-16 into cubase on my p.c. How can i make the reverb on the drums sound less when mixing down?? any tips?? I want a more dry sound.
If you tracked reverb on the drums, you're going to have a hell of a time taking it off. I will say the more dense the mix the less apparent the reverb.
If you have the drums on seperate tracks you could try gating them to cut off after the initial hit. It may give you too much of an 80's Phil Collins sound though.
The SR-16 has different kits, some of the samples don't have reverb with them. If you choose samples with reverb on them is going to be all but impossible to remove them at the mixing stage. If there is enough reverb tail on the the drum tracks by themselves, you can use noise reduction for creating a profile and removing it that way, but there are consequences when you do that because it will focus on frequencies in the 14khz to16khz range removing most of the top end.

If it was me I would build my own kit in the sr-16 using the non reverb samples and re track into the DAW.


As I told "Medulla Oblongata" in the ALESIS forum, there is a sound chart that comes with the manual for the SR-16 and it states what reverb is attached to any of the sounds/patches/samples.

So, your advice is the way and with the "chart" should be easy to build a drum pattern with NO reverb.

Green :D Hornet
Another option, though more inferior than actually dealing with clean samples, is to load the drum track into ReCycle. There you can chop it up, and mess around with the envelope and compressor to make the individual hits shorter/bring up the attacks, then save it as a REX2 and load that back into Cubase. However, I'd use that as a last option.