Getting noise during playback with EZDrummer

Isivaa Sanaru

New member

I posted a thread earlier about my recording issues but they have now been solved.

Now instead, my EZDrummer is making noise when I play (even solo) my drums. The noise can be compared to how media might sound when it's broken, buzzings and jarring sounds every now and then. It sort of repeats every 5-6 seconds.

I use an Edirol FA-66 and Cubase 5.1 with Windows 7 x32 bits.

Seems like I've ran into problem after problem since I tried to set up this home studio and I'm running on a tight schedule so I'd be EXTREMELY grateful for anyone who can somehow solve this for me!

Up till now I've tried the following:
1) Re-installed everything (Cubase, Guitar Rig, EZDrummer) except for FA-66.
2) Changed settings constantly for the past 2 days.

Worth noting:
I couldn't record my guitar earlier, I couldn't get any sound from what I recorded. But I fixed that and added Guitar Rig 5 as an effect to my guitar sound.

And that's when EZDrummer stopped to work properly...

I have noticed that my Parameter here on the picture is ALWAYS almost at top, and every now and then it hits RED. I mean, even when I am not playing anything it's still showing activity. And the noise appear when it hits red as I play EZDrummer.
Cubase 5 Issue 3.jpg

//Isivaa Sanaru
This happens, when your buffer(latecy) is set too low. Your computer just can't handle so low buffer setting when dealing with such amount of plugins (I believe Guitar rig and EZ drummer can be CPU hogs).
As solution you should increase buffer size, but it also increases the latency so you may not be able to play live thru Guitar rig anymore. Also check if you are using Edirol drivers (correct drivers will work better usually).
Thanks for all the answers! It seems like I had too many channels with Guitar Rig as an effect, when I removed some of them I could hear the drums without the noise.

Can you explain how I can increase the buffer size?

And how do I check how much RAM I have?
Thanks for all the answers! It seems like I had too many channels with Guitar Rig as an effect, when I removed some of them I could hear the drums without the noise.

Can you explain how I can increase the buffer size?

And how do I check how much RAM I have?
You can increase the buffer size from you Edirol control panel. You could find it under Windows Control panel or you can click this button in Cubase (Devices->Device setup...):

You can check the ram when right-clicking on My computer and choosing Properties.