getting my monitors in phase (i know this one is easy)

What you need to do is:

Re-configure the flux capacitor on the hyper drive stabalizer. Then hook a jumper from the quantum phase cordinator to the outward drive mobilizer. Then just re-program the pajama index, and you should be set.

Only kidding...ha ha hum ya anyway.

Really you need to get your drivers moving in unison. Mainly this is accomplised by making sure that the polarity of your equipment is the same for both left and right channels. Then make sure you don't have any other piece of equipment that might have a phase switch that would give you an out of phase issue.
Active speakers are already hooked up to the amp, thus, already in phase..... unless someone really screwed up on the assembly line :)

I assume the input is either 1/4 inch or XLR..... just plug and play.
Try it with one side flipped. It will be very obvious and once you get a re-dose you won't lose it anymore. ;)
What kind of hook up is in the back of your active monitor? Sometimes you can still get them backwards causing an out of phase problem.