Genz Benz Bass Rig, how to hook up the horn?

undrgrnd studio

New member
Hey guys I have a Genz Benz 2X10 cabinet that I have has for over a decade. The speakers both blew over the last few years, and I'm replacing the second one right now. While I was in there I noticed that the horn is not connected at all. There is a round looking thing over where the speaker cable connects in the back. It looks like an attenuator control, but I know it must also be the crossover. I can't figure out how this thing is supposed to be hooked up. Any ideas?


Interesting, looks like it never was wired. Where do the black and red wires in the picture go? Are the connected to the speaker.
One black goes to the right speaker, then another black wire connect to the left speaker. Then the red wire connects to the right speaker. It's basically a complete circuit.
I think that horns don't always need crossovers, whereas a tweeter and a woofer would likely have a crossover. Not positive, though.

It looks like the attenuator was connected and cut. Since it also says 8ohms on it, I'm wondering if to maintain a constant load on an amp, the attenuator is wired from end to end (like the outside connections on a pot) and the horn is wired from the wiper to one end of the attenuator. I would think that would help the 12" speakers sound the same regardless of the attenuator's setting. Well, and if the wiper shorts to the end contacts when in the extreme positions, then wiring the amp to it any other way could short the output of the amp.

Sorry for the speculation instead of certainty.