General Settings


New member
Hello All,

Lately I have started digital recording again, and I recall a lot of the settings I used to use for instruments after I recorded them into Sound Forge 6.0, but I always get stumped when it comes to the compressor settings within Sound Forge.
I use CEP to do all of my tracking, but as far as editing I use Sound Forge.
I know that this is a very broad question, but as the title states what are some general setting for dynamic compression on the following instruments (or should I say what would the geniuses here start with);
1-drums (beat machine)
2-bass line
3-piano or synthesizer voices
I am not a pro at Compression, but have done a bit of research on it at this site and think I fairly good understanding of it, it's just that the paramaters in Soud Forge are so....almost unlimited, it's hard to figure out a good starting place.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
The only reason why I double posted was because, I know when doing Hip Hop/ R&B is a little different and I thought I might get some different perspectives from people who compose mainly thia type of music.
Thanks for the website info!
