General Portastudio question


New member
I have a Tascam 246 Portastudio that I recently refurbished with new belts and idler tires. Transport now works like a charm. I've started recording with it, and have noticed a few things:

1. Track 3 records way hotter than tracks 1,2, and 4. I'll buss the same signal from the same input to all four tracks at the same time, and while the input VU meters are all in sync, when I record and then playback what I've recorded, track 3 is is louder, about twice as loud as all the other tracks. This is definitely not a VU meter problem, my ears concur what's happening on the meters.

2. I have to REALLY SLAM the inputs to get good levels back from the tape when playing back. Even though I'm clipping the analog inputs (for the sake of testing), when playing back from tape the signals don't get close to 0dBu.

Is it possible my VU meters are not calibrated right? Why would one track be hotter than all the others? Worn head? Dirty head? Wrong kind of tape? (I'm using TDK SA60 Type II). I know it's not possible to make adjustments to portastudios, but could my head be misaligned somehow to where it's favoring track 3?

My guess is probably dirty heads. Usually if a head is wearing out, you start noticing the highs in your music dropping off.

Go get some make-up pads, Q-tips, and some 90% (or higher %) alcohol and give the heads and capstan a good cleaning. Use a mild dilution of dish soap and water on the rubber pinch roller. Let us know how it goes.
Now that I think about it, don't get the make-up pads, but make-up remover pads. Doh! The former would be a mess! Sorry about the confusion.