GearFest Mixing Contest

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jasperhb Your cymbals are borderline more present than your vocals. I do like the dynamics between the verse and chorus. .

Thank you Japancake. I was getting annoyed with the cymbals myself too, so yes you are spot on and thank you for point this out. I’ve taken actions to better control the top end in my latest revision (now updated on soundcloud).

I’m glad you like the change in dynamics between verse and chorus. I use simple volume variations of the guitar and bass. In the latest version, I have all varied the amount of reverb on the guitar. The idea is to push the guitar more into the background/space in the verses while bringing it forward in the chorus to “fight” with the vocals in the chorus – i.e. to create variation and tension.

Here's my submission.

I tried to keep the mix minimal as well. A lot of the other mixes i heard were very modern, very 2013. Everything sounded perfectly mic'd and recorded. This song, at least to me, begs a very vintage style mix though.

Hope you like it. I had a blast.

Ryleestrange. I like the idea of going vintage and there is definitely something interesting and innovative about your mix.

I must agree with Japancake on the vocal. It's just too much and makes me sort of dissy when listening to the mix on my monitors and even more so when listening on headphones. Maybe it can me toned down a little (or maybe a lot) and still remaing it’s interest. Or the vocal effect can be mixed in with a more typical vocal sound?
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Ryleestrange. I like the idea of going vintage and there is definitely something interesting and innovative about your mix.

I must agree with Japancake on the vocal. It's just too much and makes me sort of dissy when listening to the mix on my monitors and even more so when listening on headphones. Maybe it can me toned down a little (or maybe a lot) and still remaing it’s interest. Or the vocal effect can be mixed in with a more typical vocal sound?

Yeah i was afraid of that. hmm. vocal mixing is my problem right now. I'm a songwriter and producer mainly. Mixing is a relatively new artform to me, and vocal mixing in particular is a real catch for me. Sigh. Oh well, live and learn. I think i should work with some other mixers to help me figure out how to do vocals better, cos when i mix, it sounds good/fine to me. But other people hear it, and i often get told it's too buried or too loud. I hate it. It's beginning to discourage me, i've been working on trying to mix vocals better for a couple years now, and i've gotten closer and closer, but i just can't seem to bloody get it. I can mix the instrument tracks like a boss, but vocals....
Hi guys!

Here is my mix for the content mixed at -16dB RMS

Tried not to overdo it, only sparingly use of Eq and comp and tried to glue it together with some reverb.

She has a fantastic voice I think and the band play well too.:thumbs up:
Nice Tazzy.

I think the snare might need a little work. It sounds a bit weak in my ears. A little more beaf/crack might do the trick. The Kick sounds nice to me :-)

Also, try bringing up the top end of the vocal - i.e. above 10 -12 kHz with a good EQ. I think that this might make the vocal come through some more.

Nice mix over all :-)
On the subject of the recording quality. The only tracks that left me feeling like I needed more where the drums. The vocal that we received had all of it,s dynamic range still intact and for me that is the only thing that would have left me without options. I thought the noise floor was remarkably low considering it was recorded live onstage and the bass and guitar where clean and even and required little compression to tame. that being said it was not easy to make it sound the way i wanted to hear it in my head. But that was the real challenge, to make it sound great with only eight tracks.
Lovin the challenge of this competition BUT!!!

What I find interesting about this competition for prizes is that some of the mixes are done by novices and it's noticeable. Some mixes are done by real pros who have tons of modern gear and high end plugins to get the job done. Some even are recording engineers who work in this field full time and have access to million dollar studios and who may even likely own most if not all of the gear up for grabs. If the judges are looking for a modern industry standard mix than those top end studio engineers may have the upper hand in this one. However if the judges realize this and go for someone's mix that was done at home in a project studio, than one might stand a little chance of winning. I did my mix on an iPad using only Auria Daw and it's plugins from Fabfilter, PsP Audioware, MoReVox, FXpansion. A far stretch from the norm. I did this to demonstrate that if there are young and rising mixing engineers out there who can not afford all the cool expensive recording and mixing gear/plugins, that there is an alternative to help them learn the trade of mixing and get their music and mixes out without taking a lifetime loan out from their parents. I hope I place as everyone else but I do think it will go to a more higher end mix done at a higher end studio by a pro. I hope I am wrong. After listening to almost 300 mixes myself I realize that many sound similar even to my mix so it's very hard to decide which one is the best as many are really good. I think I would have liked to see categories of entrants like; Pro studio vs home studio, yrs of experience, list of gear really used. This way the entrant could place their mix in a certain category and be judged amongst their equals. I enjoyed the exercise and that is fine for me. I will be curious as to who wins and why and who they are and what studio do they work at and how many years have they been mixing and what expensive gear they used. Cheers and looking forward to listening to more tracks as I think as of today the entries are in the four hundreds.
I think I would have liked to see categories of entrants like; Pro studio vs home studio, yrs of experience, list of gear really used. This way the entrant could place their mix in a certain category and be judged amongst their equals.

I completely agree.

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Waaaauuuuv, what a contest! Very cool to mix with only 8 tracks. It really made me pull all the tricks from the book. And it's only been 10 hours since I posted my mix and now already 84 plays. Thanks guys.

Find link to my mix in the title.

I agree. I'm a songwriter and producer, but have only been really serious about mixing for a year or two now. Vocals are still a major stumbling block for me, and i only have a very minimal home studio, complete with Garageband (don't judge, i spent years learning it, because i couldn't afford anything better), a 4 track mixer, and a drum program. that's it.

i'm not a major producer, let alone engineer, i'm a struggling 20-something musician. But i am in love with music, and the manipulation of sound, and while i loved participating in this competition, i know that my mix doesn't stand up quality-wise to a lot of the professionals, or even semi-pros who are likely doing this. What i do bring, i think, is an interesting take on the mix, and sound. NOt perfect, but hopefully i can learn from this, as well as be judged on my merits.
Where have all of you new members come from? How did this mass exodus to register and post in this one thread originate?

I'm just curious. There's a large number of low post counts and Apr/May 2013 registration dates in this one thread.
At the moment of posting this, 417 tracks have been uploaded. Yes, that is right: 417!

That is an amazing lot of tracks. There is still approx. one month to go. Consequently, the number of final tracks that will needs to be evaluate by the judges of this competition will likely be near 1.000! In other words, approx. 3800 minutes or 64 hours’ worth of listening.

That is not going to happen of course. The team will not listen through each and every track from start to finish. They will do a quick skimming of the track. Most likely they will pick out some specific points of interest in the arrangement and use those points for quick comparison (I’d love to know what those points are by the way). The purpose of this initial sorting process will be to shorten the list down to max 100 tracks and more likely just 30-50 tracks. Only this shortlist will make it for the second rounds of more intense listening by the judging team.

This is by the way only fair, as this amount of attention given here is still be much higher than the amount of attention given by the average consumer in the real-world! Hence, this analysis is by no means to be understood as complaining. This is just stating the obvious regarding the frame and set-up for this competition as it evolves and obviously is turning out to be massively popular from a participation perspective.

Also; if others like me want to learn from this exercise, we must do the critiquing ourselves. Giving each other feedback about what works and what does not etc. Sure, we all think that we have the golden key to winning the grand price, just like 80 % of all car drivers think they drive better than everyone else does. I real life we are probably better of helping each other out in the learning proces.

Anyway, here is my track. Feedback is welcome ;-)

Wauv, the track count is up to 443 since yesterday. With a run rate of 26 track a day, the estimate of the total number of tracks by June 1st points to well above 1.100! Amazing :-)
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It's the advertisement for the contest, that is bringing them in. Fine marketing. :)

Is this being advertised at other sites? Am I to to believe that these are all former guest lurkers that have been inspired to register and participate?

I'm not saying anything bad about anything. It has just sparked my curiosity. In my 7 years here I've never seen anything get this many instant registrations all focused on the same thing.
Is this being advertised at other sites? Am I to to believe that these are all former guest lurkers that have been inspired to register and participate?

I'm not saying anything bad about anything. It has just sparked my curiosity. In my 7 years here I've never seen anything get this many instant registrations all focused on the same thing.

Sweetwater and PureMix have teamed together to do a Mix competition. HR is hosting the discussion. I think Chater has a link in the OP of this thread.

Go to the very top o' the page and you'll see a link saying:

mix contest: win $18K in prizes.

yeah man.
I think I would have liked to see categories of entrants like; Pro studio vs home studio, yrs of experience, list of gear really used. This way the entrant could place their mix in a certain category and be judged amongst their equals. I enjoyed the exercise and that is fine for me. I will be curious as to who wins and why and who they are and what studio do they work at and how many years have they been mixing and what expensive gear they used.

Hello Anthony,
We understand your point of view.

This being said we are very comfortable in offering just one category to post and judge all the mixes in. The beauty about mixing is that you can actually make great sounding mixes with very little equipment. We have some experience in organizing such contest and we are always amazed to see that youngsters with very cheap gear (if at all) somehow manage to create great sounding and tasteful mixes whereas some "pros" are completely off. Anything can happen.

Gear helps if you know how to use it. But it does not do it all.
Mixing is a art form and anybody with taste and a set of ears can do it => everybody can win.

Is this being advertised at other sites? Am I to to believe that these are all former guest lurkers that have been inspired to register and participate?

I'm not saying anything bad about anything. It has just sparked my curiosity. In my 7 years here I've never seen anything get this many instant registrations all focused on the same thing.

As one of those newbies, i can tell you that i just discovered this site a couple weeks ago cos i'm trying to steer my life towards studio/producing/song-writing (rather than the "rock star" dream i used to have), and figured this site would be a great place to post sound/production/songwriting questions i may have. Mainly questions relating to the manipulation of sound.

As it happens, i saw this advertised, i believe on the home page, and figured, being a relatively new mixer, it might be a good idea to participate and see if i have anything to offer, or at least something to learn.
As part of the contest guidelines we were encouraged to add a few notes about the thinking that was put into doing the mix as well as some notes about the equipment used. I must admit, that my inital comments where few - too few. To take care of this, I've now added quite a bit more notes about the thinking and the decision that I put into the track.

I guess that, prividing that you think my mix is good then sharing these notes would be giving away the secrets. Then again the real secret is in the ears or rather what's between them ;-)

Comments are welcome:
As one of those newbies, i can tell you that i just discovered this site a couple weeks ago cos i'm trying to steer my life towards studio/producing/song-writing (rather than the "rock star" dream i used to have), and figured this site would be a great place to post sound/production/songwriting questions i may have. Mainly questions relating to the manipulation of sound.

As it happens, i saw this advertised, i believe on the home page, and figured, being a relatively new mixer, it might be a good idea to participate and see if i have anything to offer, or at least something to learn.
That's cool. I was just wondering. Welcome to the site. :)
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