Gear Acquisition Syndrome Suggestion.


New member
I am not sure what stage of GAS I am in, but I know it is progressively getting worse. This is my current set up

Dual 2.0 G5 w/ 2GB of Ram 250GB HD running Digital Performer 4.5
MOTU 828MKii
Sebatron VMP2000e
M-Audio Tampa
Yamaha MSP5 monitors
All self made Canare Star Quad Cables (TRS and XLR)
Fully treating room with 2 layer's of 5/8's sheetrock all around and resilent ceiling, Star Grounding, and 2" and 4" 703 panels and hardwood floors

Fender Hot Rod
SWR 350 and Goliath
Eden CXC Solo Series Combo
Ensoniq Keys with Kurtzweil Micro-piano
Fender Tele Thinline, Modulus 5 string, Guild D-15 Acoustic
Roland V-Club

2 AKG c1000s
AKG D112
2 57's
2 58's
1 Unknown shure ( sticker rubbed off)
Pair of Avenson Audio STO's

The stuff I record is singersongwriter stuff with my group, but I want to make a good attempt at recording others more frequently.

Is there anything you would suggest to help round out my setup

The singer of my group has quite a silibant voice, the NTK can sound alright if he listens to what I say and I EQ it a bit, and the C-414 doesn't do it for me either (Very dark compared to the NTK, but I guess that isn't hard)

I was thinking that an SM7 or RE20 would help round out my mic collection and also be a good vocal mic for my singer? I just can't decide between the two.

Also, do you think a RNP would be a good addition or should I just wait and save for something better.

Thanks, I kinda rambled there....
Hmmm...looks to me like mics are an obvious place to start. Get some killer mics and then look into killer pres.

The SM7 or RE20 would be great choices for a sibilant vocalist and have many many uses.

Not sure how those C1000s are working out for you, but you might also consider some better SDCs. Most people hate those mics with a passion. A pair of Shure SM81s would be nice. Of course, the Avenson's may be doing just fine. I'm not familiar with those.
You already have one killer pre and one very good pre and two decent comps. At some point I would sell the C1000s and get some better cardioid SDs, but first I'd and sell the NTK and get something like a Gefell M930 or a Soundelux U195. I think the SM7 or RE20 is also a good idea, but I'd go for the killer LD first (although the 930 really isn't an LD).
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I've found that the TLM-103 matches up quite nicely with the Sebatron.
You can actually back off a foot or two and still get a full, warm sound..... without the sibillence.