Garage Sale and Thrift Store Wonders


New member
Anybody find some cool stuff cheap? I got a Luxman 405 cassette deck in mint condition, an old Wards Airline 8 track player and a bunch of 8 track tapes all for $20 at a thrift store. All analog and all play and sound great!
Nope, That's actually one of my dreams. I do know someone who got a vintage slingerland drum set for $40.00 at a yard sale because the lady didn't want to have to lug it back in and another who got a 1960s fender strat for $100 at another yard sale. I can only imagine the cool vintage gear sitting around out there collecting dust. Though, I did get a an all tube Lowrey organ with a Leslie speaker for free so I shouldn't complain. That was something getting it up to the 2nd floor in one piece!!
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littlejoe said:
Anybody find some cool stuff cheap? I got a Luxman 405 cassette deck in mint condition, an old Wards Airline 8 track player and a bunch of 8 track tapes all for $20 at a thrift store. All analog and all play and sound great!
I've found a ton of stuff at the swap meets and flea markets, whatever the difference may be. :)
I know the organ you are talking about. I played one a lot. Back in the days when leslies were king. Good find. The buzz around the thrift store when I was there was that someone found an authentic Ted Williams signed baseball and bought it for 6 bucks(him :D ) just a few minutes before I was looking in the same case!(me :mad: ) This is one cookin thrift store. ha
Marlboro Quadroverb: $5
(There's reverb, tremolo, then an "echo" setting that is just a tremolo on the reverb!)

Technics RS-TR255 dual cassette deck: $5 (mint)

Lowery Festival organ: $45
A Reel Person said:
................... :eek: ;)

Yeah, some old lady had no clue what she had. She even offered it to me for half a buck cause there wasn't an actual record in it, I said that it was fine and went and stuck my other copy in it. The cover was a carefully peeled off cover up obviously, but was in good enough shape. I think I wound up getting around 600 bucks or so for it when it was all said and done.
Oh, and it wasn't from a flea market, but the best ever was when a studio friend of mine walked into a certain semi popular late 70's funkster's decaying building that used to be his studio, and found a Neve console of some kind in the corner covered in boxes dust and garbage, with rain water dripping from the ceiling onto it. I think he managed to salvage about ten input modules or so out of it. Dickhead.
I got office xp pro for five bucks at a thrift store. did some one burn it then gave it? who cares I got the original one.
Got a Univox 50W amp, all sold state, 12" speaker, reverb and tremlo from the Goodwill. Needed new fuse holder, power cord, pots cleaned, knobs. Sounds pretty good with a decent preamp/pedal in front of it. Not bad for $10.