GAP-73 vs. JoeMeek ThreeQ ?


Bored of Canada
Anyone have these units?
know anything? which would be a better investment for someone who has no "solid" pre-amp or compressor?

edit: primary application will be on vocals and snare drum. but i also should start putting an outboard preamp on my guitar and bass isocabs instead of runing straight into tascam, so...

I know ive been asking questions like this for a while now, but i just found the ThreeQ today and can't find much info or any sound clips
Got the Gap and a TwinQ ~ guess that's close enough.

I like em both for what they offer, if I had to choose one over the other ... I guess I would go with the Joe Meek.
I have never used any Joe Meek stuff. But the GAP will work for everything you mentioned. You have compression in your DAW so you can use that, you can't fake the pre. The GAP is a neve copyish...and that has been a classic vocal, drum, acoustic guitar, etc. pre for decades. If I could only get one (which I could a while ago), I'd go with the GAP. Very versatile, and very nice sound for $300. I have some nicer pres that I often choose the GAP over.

Also, the twin q is 4-5x more expensive than the three q, so I'd assume it's not a fair comparison.

But, again, I have never used the Joe Meek stuff.