Gaffer tape?

Mr. Moon

Force of Naked
Anyone have some links to some online vendors that I can order some gaffer tape from? All I can find locally is duct tape (even one brand called "duck" tape!), but I have not been able to find gaffer tape locally at all.

BTW: Gaffer tape is almost exactly the same as duct tape, but its adhesive is less-gooey (for lack of a better term), and will not remain on whatever was taped down after the tape has been removed. I needs me somma dis stuff!! :cool:


-mr moon
A good-sized camera store should also have it in stock, if any are local.

I'd be lost without a fat roll of black gaffer's tape - I've done car repair, mended clothing, mounted equipment on stands when no adapters could be found, removed lint, lightsealed cameras, spliced cables, lashed off set pieces, removed body hair, made signs......sometimes I even tape down cords with it! :D

I honestly believe that with a good Swiss army knife and a roll of gaffer's tape, I can get through anything - the minimalist's survival kit. ;)
And for God's sake, get something decent like Pro-GAFF. The cheapo stuff will save you $2 a roll, but it's crap.
I agree with Massive. If you are already going to pay more for tape, make sure it is good tape.

Also, the only similarity I see between gaffers tape and duct tape is that they have the word tape in their descriptions. Gaff tape is a cloth like substance with a differnt glue. In general it is good about not leaving residue. However, if you leave it taped to something for too long or expose it to bad climate conditions, that effectiveness is drastically reduced. For instance, if you leave a PCC taped inside a piano for 2 months, don't expect it to come off perfectly. Or if you put gaff tape around your mic cables and leave it there for a long time. When you go to take it off expect a fair amount of almost liquidy goo to be left:D