Gadget Labs out of business


New member
I bought a Gadgetlabs Wave 8/24, and this, after I read a lot of good things about it in this web site.

As you can see in their web site ( the company is out of business.

So, is that mean "no more development" around the cards? Does somebody think that another company will buy it?

It is really (I mean REALLY) a good card! It's a REAL plug and play card. People who bought it, can confirm that the AD/DA converter a simply Great.

Unfortunatly, something was wrong in their approach.... For that time, Goliath won on David... :-/

Montreal, Canada
shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit.

Now what the hell am I going to buy? As far as I know off hand this was the only company selling a "pro" quality cards of this nature with NT drivers.

Slackmaster 2000
Ok, it looks like Echo has BETA Win2000 drivers for its line of cards...that's kinda good i suppose.

I might as well ask now...gimme some multi-I/O 24/96 cards with NT4/2000 drivers. I'm not interested in mastering cards like the lynx.

Slackmaster 2000
Ummm... I actually kinda like the color *blush*

Rats! I'm good at pickin' the wrong horse. I still love my now unsupported 8/24. Here's hoping nothing goes wrong *fingers crossed*.

Have you looked at the Midiman cards, Slack? They seem to be in a similar price/quality bracket. Don't know 'bout NT drivers, though.

[oh shit! I hope I didn't just curse Midiman by mentioning 'em :(]
Slackmaster2K said:
Ok, it looks like Echo has BETA Win2000 drivers for its line of cards...that's kinda good i suppose.

I might as well ask now...gimme some multi-I/O 24/96 cards with NT4/2000 drivers. I'm not interested in mastering cards like the lynx.

Slackmaster 2000

If I'm not mistaken some of the SEK'D audio cards are capable of working with NT-24/96.
Also a card called"RME-Audio DIGI96 has 24/86 and NT.

[Edited by Shailat on 11-22-2000 at 13:48]

This really pisses me off. After doing lots of research I finally decide on the Wave 824, I buy it, I LOVE IT, and the company goes out of business. AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
I love my 824 with spdif. Maybe it will go up in value. I even like the color. I was comparing a copy of a song I spdif'd from my VS880EX to Cakewalk the other night. I tried and tried but coudn't hear any difference whatsoever. I would mix the cables around so I couldn't tell which ones were plugged into which channel of the mixer, and play the 880 and the PC at exactly the same time and switch from listening to one and then the other in real time. I had to give it up as there was honestly no difference I could hear.
I was discussing that with Ametth earlier actually....

Seems like the 824 *might* go up in price because it'll be hard to come by...but then who would pay a premium for a card with no support or hope of future support. With "buggy" beta drivers that will never be finished. So most likely the price should drop considerably, no? I dunno.

Thanks guys for the tips on the other cards. I like the way the Deltas look....but I'd need a 1010 and that's EXPENSIVE....the 66 is only a 4/4 card...ah well...

Slackmaster 2000
Wait and see - you never know

Sometimes these companeies are bought up by a bigger one and support might continue.
why doesnt somebody really quick get them to release the code to all their shite so friendly user can continue updating the damn im too dunk to type. ANyway, you know what I mean.
