

Hey guys -

I had a lot of fun making this, and thought I would share. It's a derivative work of the original.


Many thanks for any advice you can provide.

Additional *huge* thanks to anyone who helps me to make good on last year's New Year's Resolution to 'be able to sell one thing, music related, in 2007'.


*** Please note that this derivate work contains a few EXPLICIT LYRICS, and while I wouldn't play this in front of your boss or small children, it's really not that big of a deal.
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I love the misspellings. You nailed the chorus sound. That like auto tunish spelling. The beat was right on point.

This is making me ashamed that I dont even have to refer to the other one to draw conclusions. God damn radio and tv.

Well done!:)
This is making me ashamed that I dont even have to refer to the other one to draw conclusions. God damn radio and tv.

Well done!:)

LOL - I feel your pain! Don't get me started on that Umbrella song. . .

Thanks for the compliments!
Another hot tune on the MP3 Clinic, which proves once again that there is a lot of real talent out there.....No nits, just liked everything about your production. Very good job.....:D
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Umberella, umberella - isn't that the way it's spelled?????:confused::confused::confused: Hmmm that song :rolleyes:

um-buh-rella I thought, but spelling was never my strong suit :)

Thanks for listening and glad you enjoyed it!
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