FX Teleport

moskus said:
According to Computer Music it works flawlessly! :)

computermusic is a nice site no doubt but they recieve hardware and software free for reviewing it, bad ratings gets them nothing, you may notice no bad reviews there either, i think user reviews hold more factual weight of how products rate, imho...
doing searches on Cubase.net came up with a lot of entries, and the majority seem to say that it works well for VSTi's, and not quite as well for effects.

The more I think of it though, it would be a lot more useful to me to be able to use it for DX effects, since I use CEP2, even though I do use Acid which makes use of VSTi's.

It would be cool if they implemented that for DX, because that would really help with reverbs.
Fusion2 said:
computermusic is a nice site no doubt but they recieve hardware and software free for reviewing it, bad ratings gets them nothing, you may notice no bad reviews there either, i think user reviews hold more factual weight of how products rate, imho...
I actually find that user reviews are more biased than magazines review.

I mean, I will automaticly give Sonar 3 11 of 10 possible stars, just because it's the best program ever. :D