fx are pre volume envelope?!


New member
I have a vocal track where I'd like to do major smoothing using volume envelopes, and then put some mild compression on top of that. Unfortunately, cubase is routing the compressor in before the envleope, so the compressor is hitting hard at the the big peaks which I'm trying to tame with the envelope.

Anyone know how to change routing so that FX are post envelope?
how much are we talkin' here? Would it be easy to use the wave editor to paint the volume down "hard" to the file?
no - I'd rather not do destructive editing. right now, the only way I can find to do it is to send the track to a group and put on fx there - so that fx will be post envelope. I wish there was a simple routing switch. I do notice some routing options in the channel window, but can't figure out how it works
Actually, what you mentionion was going to be my next recomendation. :) I also havent messed with the fx routing, good luck.
You can put the compressor as a send effect and route 100% of the signal through it. Send effects can be either pre or post fader, but the default is post. Do you really need volume envelopes and compression?