FW1884 and Sonar 3


New member
Hello All,

I got my FW1884 about a week ago and it was up and running within 24 hours (If I didn't have to go to work it would have been sooner). The only problem I am having or maybe I am not understanding is...since it can act as a mixer as well during recording with Sonar 3, how come when I push the Solo/Mute buttons or even change the fader levels it still records the tracks at the level the audio is coming in at?
I have read the manual and it does say that only the (trim) knobs affect the sound, but is there not a way to manually mute, and control the track levels whilst recording? For example while recording simultaneous tracks, taking out the Drum beat for a second, then slowing fading it back in...ect..(One of the reasons I got it :) )
Also I can't seem to get my compressor hooked up in the Send effects channel. I did go out and buy a Send and Return cable but when I hook it up on the last 2 channels of my FW1884 the compressor doesn't show any signal coming through- but that is the least of my problems right now (guess that makes 2 small issues).
Anyone have any ideas?

if I'm not mistaken the FW1884 is a Midi Controller not a mixer that actually passes audio..Midi controller just controls the s/w and just like with the s/w if you lower the volume on the track your recording you won't hear the results until after you listen to Play back
Teacher said:
if I'm not mistaken the FW1884 is a Midi Controller not a mixer that actually passes audio..Midi controller just controls the s/w and just like with the s/w if you lower the volume on the track your recording you won't hear the results until after you listen to Play back

Nope - It can also be used as a mixer.

I-AM - If you haven't already, check my response to the other thread you started..
