Fw 1082


I heart guitars!
Hi Guys - need your help.

Is anyone running one of these wee beasties? I'm considering getting one to act as DAW control surface/audio interface for my laptop (I know Tascam say not to use 4-pin FW connectors, but SOS mention that it seems to work OK).

Anyone got any thoughts on them? I'm running SX3 and the price/functionality ratio seems superb and, although I'd prefer an extra ADAT lightpipe input - like the 1804 has (so I can stick something like the B*****ger ADA8000 into it for live recordings), the added control surface functions seem to tip the balance in favour of the 1082 - especially as I'm really getting used to using the Steinberg Houston we've got in the big studio.

And, let's face it...moving faders...cool:)