future project advice


New member
hey, most of the members in our band just got really good jobs and were all roommates, so we decided we are going to move into a house when our lease is up. we will all be saving money and want to build a studio when we move in. the house we have lined up has a two car garage that we are looking at converting, but it is in a small quiet neighborhood so sound proofing is a must. we have 2 guitarists a bassist, and a drummer and would like a room where we can also practice late at night without bothering neighbors. i wanted the studio to be two rooms, a live room and a control room with the glass in between. i know the information i gave doesn't give much to go with, but i mainly just wanted to know if this project would be worth doing? we will probably live there for 2-3 years, and are hoping that the project can be done for around 3 grand. im hoping that i am able to do this project without actually altering the house in any way. thanks for reading this, i know its long
...would like a room where we can also practice late at night without bothering neighbors. i wanted the studio to be two rooms, a live room and a control room with the glass in between.

...we will probably live there for 2-3 years, and are hoping that the project can be done for around 3 grand. im hoping that i am able to do this project without actually altering the house in any way.

Direct conflict. Soundproofing is much more than hanging some fiberglass panels on the walls and putting a makeshift wall in the middle of a garage. For $3k, you could put together a soundproof booth, but a multi-room setup (and temporary!) on that budget is outside the realm of possibility.

Not trying to burst your bubble, but focus on treatment. Lots of DIY. If it's a rental, forget "building a control room" and instead focus on making the room sound its best.
thanks. sounds more realistic but would you have any advice on keeping as much sound from getting out as possible? on that budget would i be able to build a booth for just the drums and treat the rest of the room? i may just have to replace the acoustic drums with an electronic drumset.
Well, going V-Drums would set you back about your entire budget.

You might look into ClearSonic... http://www.clearsonic.com/IsoPacs.htm. There's another company out there that makes a similar product, but I can't recall their name at the moment. If you're just focusing on controlling the sound going out, this may be a good bet. It's not necessarily the best solution for tracking, but it would work fine for volume control.
I can't comment on the feasibility or cost of what you would like to do.

What I would like you to do though is think carefully about how you manage this investment. What happens if someone leaves the band? What happens if you get evicted?

If you are going to be in the house for 2-3 years, I assume you are renting with a lease. What does the lease say about modifications? Are you expecting to leave the stuff behind when you go, or are you hoping for it to be easily dismountable?
we are more friends than we are a band, we even moved here from korea together just to get a start. we have a good understanding of what will happen when we do eventually move apart though. i came here for advice and i've received. i don't think there is really any way to accomplish what i want at this time so i think i'll look into those iso booths. it seems easy enough to move and set up. would i get a decent enough sound to record the drums in that booth, and is there any good way to increase the sound quality? thanks for all the help