FS/FT: Auralex Studiofoam 2" wedges (22)


New member
I've got 22 Auralex Studiofoam wedges up for grabs. They are in very good condition, the only issue is most of the backs have small strips of the foam pulled off due to being glued to my walls. This doesn't take away from the ability to absorb though. These have been in my smoke free home for the past 2.5 years.

As for gear that I'd want in trade, I'm up for anything really. Guitars - Strat/Tele, Semi-Hollow(Arctore, Epi Dot), LP/SG, etc. - Pedals - Delay, Wah, Rat, Vibe, Fuzzface, etc. Other than that I'd maybe be up for a mic or two depending on what it was. I'll post pics tonight after I get home from work. Send me an PM if you're interested. Thanks!

Local Pickup / Trade only ....

Price - 175$
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If sold it'll be an extra 65$ Shipping - USPS Parcel
If Trading I'll pay for the shipping...