Frustrated... Reason Users Reply


New member
My prob is this I have an evolution Mk-225C keyboard and in reason it just seems like i can't do shit without a 49 key or 61 controller. The shit that was fucked up was when i ordered this keyboard I ordered the 49 and they sent me this shit when i complained they said they would refund the money but i was such a gear whore I didn't care at the moment.

Anyways when i'm in reason i want to control my drums with the keys right? So I went through and assigned each to a key, because they weren't naturally assigned like with the synths and what not. Well i get the drums assigned but when i try and record they show up on the grid but when i go to play back I see the sound there but no sound? when i actually tap out the drums there there but on playback nada. I check all the wiring and what not i wanted to see if anyone could help with this it's really frustrating. I know i need a bigger controller but christ sake it can't be this hard.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Peace Fellas,

You dont need a bigger controller, even the little ones have an octave button to extend the range of keys
Not ALL controllers have that octave button, and if your doesn't just hightlight the notes by drawing a box around them with the pointer tool, then go to 'change events' and transpose them. You may need to go a few octaves to get them to sound.

The Redrum kit starts at C1 with the kick and goes up from there...
there are also other options. download the beats buy tutorial for drum layering and you will see a whole different way to lay them which might work better with your controller