Fruity loops question


New member
Ok, I've got my song ready, I just want to add the effect changes, but I can only do it manualy!! how can I automate it?? I've got FL3 and in the help files it talks about something called the event editor, but I don't find it, and by just pressing the record buton before play it won't record the fx changes...
any answer apprecited!
pablo said:
Ok, I've got my song ready, I just want to add the effect changes, but I can only do it manualy!! how can I automate it?? I've got FL3 and in the help files it talks about something called the event editor, but I don't find it, and by just pressing the record buton before play it won't record the fx changes...
any answer apprecited!
Try the Cakewalk Forum here at HR.COM, or go to their site If nobody provides you with an answer over here, then somebody might be able to help you over there. :)
Hey Pablo........I don't use fruity loops, but you might want to check here, they have a forum dedicated to fruity loops, with a lot of people who are seriously into the program and thus know what they're talking about:

Hope you have some luck.
I'm presuming you've got the Full version of Fruityloops.

If you want to automate an fx setting, then you open up the particular fx, and then right click on the bit you want to automate, and then click on "edit events" in the menu that pops up. You can then draw in the changes you want using the event editor. You should also be able to do this just by pressing the record button, then the play button, and then changing the parameters - this should then be saved to the events editor......not sure why this isn't working for you though
yeah, I've got the full version :confused: weird...
anyway someone gave me an idea of cloning channels and using different versions with and without effects...
thanks anyway!
BTW I found that events editor, but I'm still not able to turn effects on and off, I think only modify them..
don't know if this is relevant , but i just recorded pan changes in Fruity Panomatic...they play back fully automated, just like Reason....make sure the track you want to automate is highlited...dedicate each fx send to a single channel..unless you know what you are doing.,,,,make sure to hit the record button, before you click on play.
Look in your Fruityloops subdirectories and find the Tutorial directory. Go thru those and I believe there is a FLP file explaining how to do Automation. Automation is one of the hardest things to figure out and then remember in Fruity. I am new to Fruity also and I have used Automation sucessfully but for me to explain it requires me to have the program up and running and re-remembering how to do it. Neither of which I can do at the moment.

One thing to remember is that you can automate just about anything (channel vol., pan, FX, and softsynths.). You can make automation specific to a pattern or have the automation span multiple patterns using the playlist (which you use to create you song). Go scour the Official Fruityloops website. there are articles on Automation and then post on their message boards. Automation is one of the coolest things in Fruity. It allows you to totally custimize your sound. I downloaded a complete CD from a Fruity user called LoopsSouth and it was completely made in Fruity using automation. It sounds wonderful. You can do it.
