Fruity Loops 3: exporting individual channels with FL-only created sounds


New member
Hey all...

My question is in regards to Fruity Loops 3 (v3.0.0).

I know how to export individual channels (i.e. "kick drum"): Solo channel>export/render to a wav file...

I then later import all the wavs into Cakewalk (Home Studio 2, circa 2004), as individual tracks.

I have successfully done this while using wavs from an M-Audio cd of drum wavs as the channels' import source.

But recently, I wrote a song in Fruity Loops using and altering only the sounds that came with Fruity Loops. (Without importing any third party wavs.)

When I go to render, the progress bar zips by real fast, (instead of a slow render), and it stays locked at 100%. The file doesn't render correctly.

Why is it different? Can I just sync it to Cakewalk/VST adapter..and how would I do that?

Thanks for any input. :)
if you can get version 3.5. I believe this is the very first version very that can be used as a vsti. This is far more easier than trying to export individual tracks.

Incidently I still use this as a drum machine thru vsti to cubase realtime.

I don't know much about cakewalk, but I pretty sure it does support vsti as well. Maybe some one can confirm this?
if you can get version 3.5. I believe this is the very first version very that can be used as a vsti. This is far more easier than trying to export individual tracks.
Incidently I still use this as a drum machine thru vsti to cubase realtime.
I don't know much about cakewalk, but I pretty sure it does support vsti as well. Maybe some one can confirm this?


I have "Cakewalk 2" (not the "XL" version) - I bought it in 2004. It has a VST adapter.

Like I said, this problem only seems to be because I created the song within Fruity Loops.

I could just do a mix in FL and capture it in a stereo track in Cakewalk - but I want to avoid that because I would like to be able to eq everything later individually...

Assign each instrument that you want to render out as a separate wav file to a separate mixer track. Then when you export as wav, select "split mixer tracks". BTW, I doubt this will work on FL3, I can't remember much about that version, I think FL3 was in the 1990's. FL is now at version 7.

But you do know that FL offers lifetime free upgrades *if* you own it?