Free SoundToys Devil-loc plugin compressor! Only available until the 31st!


Master of Audio
The guys over at soundtoys are giving away a free plugin. The trick is that it requires a sharing code. My code is below. You can click on the link to have it automatically entered in.

Your Sharing Code: 336-5279-399

Give this link to people to get their free Devil-Loc Plug-in:

You will have to have an ilok to use this. If you already have it then it's a no brainer. Not really worth it if you don't.


This thing definitely falls under the colored compressor family. It sounds amazing. I'm really having fun with it on drums. Try putting it in parallel with the clean signal of the drum buss and bringing it in to taste for some nice parallel compression. I'm really digging the sound of this thing.

The 31st is the last day you can get this thing. Once that's over this version will no longer be available. Come and get it while it's hot!!!

Enjoy!!!! :D
This one is definitely an effects compressor. Some are clean and transparent, others impart a color and vibe. This one has some smooth sounding voodoo magic saturation stuff going on in that algorithm.