Freaking LOUD!

guido #2

New member
Ok. Here's The Deal, I Only Have $25 And I Need My Cd To Be Louder Than Anything Else Out There! I Might Be Able To Spend $35, But That Would Cut Into My Beer Budget.
And I Don't Care About Sounding Dynamic Like Those Other Bands Like Tool Or Knickleback, Etc...
I Just Need To Be Looouuudddd!!!!!
Can You Help Me???????
For $25, I will run it through Adobe, and turn up the volume 5 db.....for the whole $35, I'll make it as loud as you want.......And for a six pack, I'll do just about anything..... :D
Dogman said:
For $25, I will run it through Adobe, and turn up the volume 5 db.....for the whole $35, I'll make it as loud as you want.......And for a six pack, I'll do just about anything..... :D

i'll do that for $34.99 and raise it 5.5db ;)
zed32 said:
i'll do that for $34.99 and raise it 5.5db ;)
Yeah, but does yours come with one of those free, money back offers, just like on TV????? Mine will, for a nominal S&h charge.... :D
Dogman said:
Yeah, but does yours come with one of those free, money back offers, just like on TV????? Mine will, for a nominal S&h charge.... :D

oh yeah, well mine is so good that i don't even need a money back guaruntee! that's right folks, you heard correctly! if you don't like it, i'll keep your money at NO EXTRA COST TO YOU! so act now! :D :D
Haha! Sorry about my drunken sarcasm :)
Im just so sick of it. I actually had someone tell me that Tool was VERY dynamic, "they go from a whisper to a scream" or some such. They have become so accustomed to iy that they fail to recognize that the "whisper" is just as freakin' loud as the "scream."
I think that a backlash movement has actually started. There is an ad in the back of this months Tape Op from a mastering house that was saying that louder is NOT better and that it is destroying good music....
guido #2 said:
I think that a backlash movement has actually started. There is an ad in the back of this months Tape Op from a mastering house that was saying that louder is NOT better and that it is destroying good music....

Bah. There is so little good music on the radio, bad mastering can't hurt :p Turn it up!
Make it so loud their ears bleed and when that generation has gone completely deaf, we can take back radio!
Nice plan! :)
guido #2 said:
Haha! Sorry about my drunken sarcasm :)
Im just so sick of it. I actually had someone tell me that Tool was VERY dynamic, "they go from a whisper to a scream" or some such. They have become so accustomed to iy that they fail to recognize that the "whisper" is just as freakin' loud as the "scream."
I think that a backlash movement has actually started. There is an ad in the back of this months Tape Op from a mastering house that was saying that louder is NOT better and that it is destroying good music....

Go back and listen to Lateralus (latest album by Tool). The dynamics in that album are great. Even on the previous, Aniema (listen to Third Eye). On the otherhand, A Perfect Circle (maynard's other band) usually is compressed to shit.
i'm sick of it, what can i say?

i was talking to this guy who runs a small studio near me, he mentioned something about getting some mastering work.

me: ohhhhhhhhh, so you have a mastering suite? (dam well knowing the answer)

him: well, i have T-Rax.

me: (searching frantically for a knife to stab self with) ohhhhhhh. (insert poorly veiled look of distain)