
New member
just got my FRAMUS COBRA .

one each individual channel there is a gain and volume knob ...
and the whole amp has 2 MASTER VOLUMES

i was just wondering which volumes control the POWER AMP volume.

ie if i set the MASTER VOLUMES on near full(master 2 a little higher than 1 for a boost) does that mean the power tube volumes are cranking...and just use the individual channels volume to change adjust volumes.

i am just guessing that the individual channel volumes are pre amp volumes and gain is pre amp gain and that the master volume is power tube volume.

can anyone correct me.
i just got one too, i was also wondering the same thing. the manual doesn't help much either. so far from what i can tell, the master volumes are for the preamp and the individual channel volumes are for the power section. i found that keeping the master volumes louder than the channel volumes give you alot more play the the eq's.

at first i had all the channel volumes around 3 o'clock and was using the master volume (s) as primary. i just recently switched it around though and i like the tone alot better. i am not positive on this but since there is a ton more gain with the master volumes cranked i'd say those are for the preamp.
the two Master Volumes are not in series. they are two Masters that are selectable.

so the Cobra is a Three Channel Amp with two selectable Masters where the Channel Volumes control the Pre-Amp volume and the Master controls the Power Section.
