Four More Days...


New member
...I hope it's worth the hype. I get butterfly's in my stomach thinking about the 29th. Is that /sad/ or what?

Audio Geekdom knows no bounds.

well, you still have the actual shipping time to add to the shipping date.......

*ducks and runs fer cover as shots are fired in his direction*
Yes, Uncle Thumpy, that is Sad, I would suggest
you write to Ann Landers and talk about your problem,
or talk to a Clergyman or Counselor.

I, of course, didnt run out and buy Sonar. I am much
to, ummm, poor. I bought an electric Violin on Jan.
9th, which I should have gotten in 6 to 8 weeks from
that point. I have no Electric Violin, no money left for
Sonar, and since the violin is being made by a friend,
no recourse. I guess I will just be patient, please
post a review of SONAR when you get it, so I might
salivate over how cool it is, while I sit here and play
the worlds most expensive "Air" Violin. Drats.

Oh it get's even worse. I've set up my quick-cam peaking out the window, down onto the front entryway, so I can be vigilant while at work for any packages in the front hall. (We rent the second floor of an old house...)

When the delivery man comes in and drops that package off at the base of our stairs, I can fly home (about 4 miles) without a moment to lose.

That's obsession! and *no* I do not own a Pentium 4 bleeding edge machine with 15000 RPM drives. I'm just a software spaz...the wife would kill me if I tried to do the same with hardware...

Believe me, you'll get my review ASAP. I just hope the WDM drivers for my Gina24 is available same day or sooner.

Drooling Cakewalk Fanboy Signing Off,


What a concept,a live cam set up at Uncle thumpy's
house to watch his Mailman.

I am concerned about the drivers for my Darla24 as
well, so far Echo has never let me down.

What do you have for a computer? I got a 566
Celery, 128 ram, 15 gig slow HD, so I am really
pushing it. I will get a fancy pants HD soon, and I
guess upgrade the Ram, but I hope Sonar and my
566 Celery will become friends.
My Box...

I'm slightly more geeky than you, but only just. (except for the SONAR Cam *grin*)

I've got a P3 600, 392 RAM and cakewalk has a dedicated decent drive.

Gina24 with a MIA on the way as soon as they ship.

There's a new message in red, bold letters on Echo's driver page that says WDM drivers are coming soon. It's new, so I assume they're getting a lot of demand for them.

I'm sure I'll build a new box by the holiday season though.

Can I play too?

I have a P3 700 with 512mb ram, (6 HD drives) 1 for OS, 1 for audio backups of older projects, but new enough to want near-line access to them, 1 for audio apps, 1 for program storage of downloads, plugs, trials, support documents and general file storage, 1 (ATA 66) for recent projects in mixed down mode, 1 (ATA 66) for recording data on current projects, (3 CDROM drives) 1 CD Writer, 1 for testing and installs, 1 for my Drag n Drop Drummer CD or other samples CD's, A SCSI 24GB DAT Tape drive for backup, an SB Live Value for soundfonts and system sounds, an Aardvark 24/96 DirectPro for tracking. In it's glorious configuration I have three monitors at once as well, a 19" and 2 17". I will be upgrading to an ATA100 Raid controller with three 45GB drives after my move in April.

Man I hope Sonar plays nice with my gear...
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At least you got something.

I have a Game Boy. Can I play Sonar on that?

If the mailman doesn't bring my tax refund by this Thursday I'm stealing the hubcaps from his truck. If he does the first thing I'm gonna do is sit and stare at it. Then, when I'm tired of that I'm gonna build a brand new DAW so I can post millions of stupid newbie questions on this very website!

Back to my mailbox watching vigil.........