Fostex r8s problem...


New member
I have 2 fostex r8's. They have strong motors, new capstan belts, and are electronically sound. They both have the same problem. One is on the left motor belt, and the exact same thing happens on the other R8 with the right motor belt. The belts are toothed, and are strong, they go around the motor bearing and then to a 1" toothed, plastic bearing. The plastic bearing has no cap on the shaft it is on...and after a few start and stops, the little 1" gear bearing pops off the shaft. Both R8's do this. I don't know what the 1" little gear controls, its shaft spins, but the 1" bearing is also allowed to spin freely on it as well. Anyway can anybody please give me advice on how to keep these little 1" flywheels from jumping on the shaft? To make matters worse the end of the shaft and the top of the flywheel are eactly the same height, no room to put a cap...there is no channel for a little "c" clip as far as I can tell...perhaps it's there, but it must be tiny...thank you.
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Had this same problem with my R8 when i got it.

Have a look at that for more info but basically I did a 'temporary' fix by simply getting some strong hold glue i had lying around the house and glued the plastic bearing onto the metal shaft. I didn't really think it would hold for long but i did that in 2008 and it's still holding... and i've easily recorded and played over 50 tapes on it since.
Thank you for the help!!!

Yes I thought about expoxy...but just like you, I felt that it would not hold up for long...but you say yours has I will try this. btw I have opened up 4 non working R8's, every single one had capstan belts that were fine, but the flywheel had jumped off the fact one R8 is brand new, there is no dust or dirt just has that problem. Yes 50 tapes....I am very encouraged...cause I want to make this little guys work. Thanks.