Fostex FD-8 skipping


New member
I picked up a Fostex FD-8 used a couple months ago and am only now starting to use it. Really, to start, all I want to do is record my band's rehearsals...

I've got 8 inputs going into my Mackie CR-1604 mixer. All the vocals are mixed together and output into one input on the Fostex (set to Center). I've got the guitars mixed together and set for another input (set for Left on the FD-8). The organ and bass are going out from the mixer into another input (set for Right on the Fostex.)

And I set it all to record to tracks 1-4.

The mix itself was pretty good.

The problem? Tons of skipping.

This is with an internal IDE hard disk.

I thought maybe it had something to do with me trying to record all this information to four tracks, but I also got some skipping when I recorded to only two tracks. On the other hand, it was less. Of course, if this is true, then I'll probably end up finding something other than the FD-8.

I may end up reformatting the hard disk (internal IDE) and seeing if that helps at all.

Before I do that, though, I'd appreciate any advice.
Hard Drive Probs...?

I don't know anything about the FD8, but the Hard Disk died in my VF160 the other week and it all started with the recordings skipping.

I would try a reformat. On the VF160 it tells you how many Good/Bad Sectors there as it reformats, I had 1 good and loads of bad....

Sorry I can't give you any answers,

Dave52 said:
I don't know anything about the FD8, but the Hard Disk died in my VF160 the other week and it all started with the recordings skipping.

I would try a reformat. On the VF160 it tells you how many Good/Bad Sectors there as it reformats, I had 1 good and loads of bad....

Thanks, Dave... I'll try that.
Still Skipping

Well... I reformatted and... Still skipping.

I guess I could also try recording to the external ZIP drive I got with it, but I'm not sure that'll provide enough recording time.

There's also the possibility of the Castlewood ORB, I guess, but I should probably try the ZIP first, since that'll give me a better idea if it's the unit or the hard drive.

Again, if anyone else has a good idea of why this is skipping, I'd be happy to hear it.
One of my fd-8's is skipping too. I use it as a slave. I have 3
fd-8's. Two of them have internal drives, on uses a zip drive. My fear is that I'm about to "lose" the one that's skipping.
Just curious, do you know what kind of IDE drive they use?

Is this a common problem with the IDE's they install in them? Is there a specific type with which they must be replaced? Is this problem pretty common?
cellardweller said:
Just curious, do you know what kind of IDE drive they use?

Is this a common problem with the IDE's they install in them? Is there a specific type with which they must be replaced? Is this problem pretty common?

I'm pretty new to all this, so I have no idea whether it's a common problem or even what kind of IDE is inside.