fostex digital multitrackers....

Dan Colverson

New member
I'm looking to purchase either a FD-8 or an DMT-8 and I was wondering what are the differences and also any good or bad points about either. Any help would be great!
No idea about the DMT-8 but don't go for the FD-8. So many people have had problems with the FD-8/4, it really is not worth it. You'll spend hours on a song only for it to mess up just as you put the final track down, meaning you have to do the WHOLE THING AGAIN..... sigh.
Well I know lots of people have had problems with the fd8/4, it does seem to be extemley dodgy when used with an external drive. I havn't heard any problems from anyone who has an internal hard drive installed though...
My first external drive was a SYQUEST. It was T R A S H... I then got an IOMEGA, and it has worked pretty faithfully since. One thing I don't like- you have only 1 choice for effects on any given track. There are 2 effects sends, but you have to choose between the 2 (if you have to effects units).