Fostex D80s skipping


New member
Hey Fostex peeps,

We have 2 Fostex D80s and a D160 synced up in our studio.

Yesterday whilst we were recording vocals on a track the D80s kept dropping out of record, juddering for a bit and then continuing. I timed the dropouts and they occured roughly a minute into the recording from whichever point we started.

They were doing it on simple playback too, no recording channel armed so we can't even mix the thing down :(

Checking the ABS time left it was around 3 mins of time on the hard drives left. Could this be the cause of the drop outs?

Is there anyway of defragging the drives. Or does backing up and re-formatting get rid of 'dirty drive' syndrome.

Thanks in advance for any help,

i cant help you out, but just to let you know, i am having similar problems with my D80. the first time it happened was over a year ago. it sounded like a CD skipping, and affected all 8 didnt happen again till recently. the only way i found to fix it was to abandon that hard drive and find another one.
good luck!
whats the biggest hard drive you can put in an unmodified D80 with it recognising the whole space?

ive heard that you can get an EPROM chip for the D80. anyone know about this, and how to install / get hold of it.

how much?!
