Fostex B16 help!


New member
Hello! I have an old fostex b16 and need help! It powers on and all transport functions work fine. However, I get no signal in, and no signal out (the meters don't work either). It's been in storage for about a year, but was properly serviced before it was put away. I have read a little about this machine, but can't find anyone with the same issue. I'm guessing (and hoping) it's a simple loose connection or something??? I can't even get any noise in or out of it. Record ready lights work on each channel but nothing comes through when a signal source is connected. Ive tried recording with new tape, playback of an old tape with recordings already on it, and a tone generator but still with no results....not even a blip n the meters. Somebody please help!
Do any of the Meter LEDs light up when you power on. I have the Manuals if that would help Have a B16 which works fine and a B16D with problems...
Yes, meters light up during power on, so I know they are functioning. I have the user manual but not the service manual or schematics. I may just have to take it to be repaired.
I have the schematics and all that.. I bought them a while back online because I couldn´t find them for free...but I would email em to you if you want.
Hi from Argentina and sorry for my english, i recently pick up a fostex B16D with NEW Head and the original spare head (worn) but maybe usable after relapping, sounds incredible good with new head, records perfectly the whole 16 channels , dolby NR works just perfect without any audible artifacts in reproduced audio, i have no complains about sonic quality, transport works jus right ,rewinds smooth ,but...
I have some issues.
1. the whole 16 led vumeters fails :mad:, have between two or three leds that no iluminate at all.
2. have weird behavior in individual monitor mode: if arm for example 4 channels 1,2,3,4 and leave the other channels safe ,the monitoring incoming from channel 4 or any other channel armed to record appear repeated (monitored) in another channel in safe mode,
the machine only records the channels selected for recording leaving untoched the safe mode channels which allow to record the whole 16 tracks without mixed channels that appears during monitoring, but i think that something is wrong, maybe relays failing?

I have user manual but can't find service manual, someone have service manual ?

Greetings from argentina
I am having the exact same problem with my B16,
did anyone find the problem?
and if anyone could hook me up with the service manual that would be most appreciated,

B 16 motors

I am having the exact same problem with my B16,
did anyone find the problem?
and if anyone could hook me up with the service manual that would be most appreciated,


My repair guy tells me I need to find a "wrecked B 16 with a running motor" as the motor is not working properly. Other than haunting ebay and craigslist any one have any advice?
Have a look at electronics workshops that rewind motors and generators, they may be able to fix it.

I have B16D sevice manual with schematics and Capstan motor test and calibration, it cost to me 20
dollars, if some of you want a copy email me.